Inclusive Education Project Evaluation

Tender Description


About Humanity & Inclusion

Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion runs projects under its new operating name, Humanity & Inclusion (HI). (HI) is an Independent and impartial aid and development organization with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI has offices in 59 countries.

1.2 About Humanity & Inclusion in the country/region 

HI has been working in the Middle East since 1996. HI promotes the inclusion of persons with disabilities into countries’ local and national planning processes and responds to the urgent inclusion needs of persons with disabilities in seven countries through several programs. In Palestine, since 1998, HI has been supporting local partners and stakeholders to respond effectively, within the framework of both inclusive local development and quality service provision, to the needs of persons with disabilities to access protection, education, health, and livelihood programs. HI has three Regional Strategic Pillars:

  1. Promoting the inclusion of the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on persons with disabilities, within the humanitarian response; 
  2. Preventing impairment and disability by enhancing both the quality and the systemic management of existing services as well as by informing populations about risks related to Explosive Remnants of War; and 
  3. Promoting cohesion, the resilience and participation of all through dialogue, empowerment, and disability mainstreaming in service delivery and social change.

Context of the evaluation 

2.1 Presentation of the project to be evaluated 

Project title: “Promoting the Inclusion and Access of Girls and Boys with Disabilities to Gender and Disability Responsive Inclusive Education in the Emergency Context of the West Bank and Gaza” Supported by GAC


“Equal Opportunities to Education - Equitable access to education for children with disabilities in Palestine” supported by OFID

Implementation dates:

 GAC : 26th Sep 2019 to 31st March 2022

OFID: 1st Jun 2019 – 28th Feb 2022

AC5: 1st Jan 2018 – 31st Dec 2022

Location/Areas of intervention

West Bank : Bethlehem and Hebron

Gaza : Gaza, Middle Area and Rafah

Theory of Change/Logical framework 

The proposed project ultimately aims to improve the learning outcomes for women and girls in the oPt, which are affected by a chronic humanitarian crisis, fragile socio-economic situations and recurrent conflict. This will be achieved through positive changes in the three areas of improved access to education for out-of-school children, the improved provision of quality gender-responsive and disability-inclusive education and improved protection in and outside schools. This will be achieved through capacity-building and empowerment, enabling active and effective participation of children and their parents, of community members, of teachers and other school key staff as well as education stakeholders, in the process of change.

Objectives of the evaluation (3 pages maximum) 

Overall objectives and expectations of the evaluation 

The evaluation will be used to ensure accountability towards donor and communities by reflecting the voices, opinions and experiences of the beneficiaries and stakeholders involved in this project. 

The objective of this final project evaluation is to assess project achievement and identify key areas and factors for success to reflect and guide the way forward for future interventions on education in collaboration with civil society organizations.

The evaluation results are expected to be used by HI and different stakeholders involved across the different components of the project, including partners. HI will benefit from this exercise to learn about its interventions and its adaptability and ability to respond to the needs while context is dramatically changed with the COVID-19 pandemic, also HI and the donor will potentially use recommendations for future programming needs. 

3.2 Specific objectives 

Timeframe: 1st Feb – 10st March 2022

Type of evaluation: 

  • Final evaluation for GAC and OFID projects
  • Mid-term evaluation for AC5 project (West Bank Only)

Evaluation objectives:

  1. Evaluate the performance of the project through an assessment of project’s outcomes achievement taking into account the context, the proposal and the monitoring and evaluation framework of the project.    
  2. Evaluate how the intersectionality between gender, age and disability has been addressed and responded to within the project
  3. Based on the lessons learned, key conclusions and the performance achieved, propose practical recommendations for follow-up actions with focus on psychosocial intervention in the Gaza Strip context.  
  4. Evaluate and draw recommendations on projects adherence to the participation and accountability of affected population.

Submission of applications

Bids from interested individual consultants or firms should include:

  • A detailed technical offer that includes the methodology and evaluation plan, an alternative plan in case the current context doesn’t allow for in person interviews/activities and timeframe.
  • A detailed financial offer that covers all anticipated costs (taxes, travel, accommodation, transportation, insurance, translation, etc.). 
  • All prices shall be Vat-exclusive in ILS shekel
  • Valid Vat registration number, HI will utilize Vat exemptions for successful candidates according to Palestinian Vat Tax system 
  • A CV (list of CVs) detailing relevant skills and experience of the consultant and her/his team of no more than 3 pages each, including contactable referees. In case of team of experts, the Team Leader must be clarified.
  • At least one sample of a relevant previous evaluation preferably for international donor funded project in a similar area or context. 

Note: Humanity & Inclusion reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.

Bids must be sent by email to this address: [email protected]

with the title: “Inclusive Education Project Evaluation »

Deadline for submission of applications: January 23rd, 2022 @ 11:59 PM (Jerusalem Local Time)

Applications submitted after the deadline (day or hour) will not be considered. Selected consultants might be invited for a complementary interview. Also, candidates who only submit CVs without technical and financial offers will not be considered.

Humanity & Inclusion is committed to protecting the rights of the children and opposes to all forms of child exploitation and child abuse. HI contractors must commit to protecting children against exploitation and abuse. 

Persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.

For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Tender Document

Location Gaza Strip, Hebron, Bethlehem
Deadline 23, Jan, 2022
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