Local Development Planning in Social Development sector for...
Request for Offers
QADER for Community Development is implementing a project entitled “Strengthening local capacities in Community Based Inclusive Development in Hebron Governorate” funded by the Christian Blind Mission (CBM). The project aims to contribute to enhanced social, economic, and political participation and inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in local development processes in the southern West Bank, through achieving the following key results: 1) Inclusive youth accountability teams (IYAT) advocate for enhancing the role and commitment of duty bearers towards the rights and needs of Persons with Disabilities, 2) Improved evidence-based processes of inclusive local development planning in the project locations to address needs and priorities of Persons with Disabilities, and 3) Strengthened capacities and role of CBOs and OPDs to enhance participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in local communities. The project will be implemented in Al-Shyoukh, Beit Ummar, Beit Ula, Al Samou’ and Al Dahiriya in Hebron Governorate.
Within the second result, QADER will support the Municipalities in the targeted communities in the preparation of the Local development Planning process, focusing on the social development sector. The process of the local development planning is supposed to be conducted in an inclusive approach, through involving persons with disabilities in the planning, implementation and monitoring of projects identified through the local development plans as well as in holding duty-bearers accountable.
Objectives of the assignment
The main objective of the assignment is to support 5 partner Municipalities in the preparation of the social development diagnosis reports in the strategic development and investment plans, through providing technical support to the targeted Municipalities in the local development planning process in its different phases. Specifically, this assignment aims at preparing diagnosis reports for the social development sector in each of the targeted communities, ensuring the participation of the IYATs in the whole process.
Interested Consultant(s) / Consultancy firm may download the RFQ document from QADER's Website HERE, and submit their offer accordingly to in Sealed Envelope to QADER’s office in Beit Jala, no later than 15:00 PM, Tuesday 27th of September 2022.
** Persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply for this consultancy; QADER for Community Development is committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all **