Local or International Expert for Furniture Technical Regula...
Short term assignment- Terms of References
Local or International Expert for Furniture Technical Regulations
1.0 Background:
The Small Enterprise Center (SEC) Association is a Palestinian non-profit organization that started in 2002 as a project within the framework of GIZ Private Sector Development Project. In 2008, and officially registered as an independent non-profit organization governed by the Palestinian Law of Charitable Associations and Community Organizations No.1 for the year 2000. SEC began with an office in Ramallah and has grown to be a leading national organization serving Palestinian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and social enterprises (including cooperatives).
Through a strategic partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Global Communities (GC) is implementing the Supporting MSMEs Competitiveness and Growth in Palestine (SMCGP) program. The 44-month program aims to improve the conditions necessary for increased competitiveness and growth of MSMEs, contributing to inclusive sustainable economic development, including better income generation and productive employment with decent working conditions, particularly for women and youth. The SMCGP adopts the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach by employing facilitative approaches with learning at its core. SMCGP will target the creative industries sector which comprises three sectors including Furniture, Footwear and Leather, and Handicrafts.
Within the framework of the sub-agreement signed between the Global Communities and the Small Enterprise Center (SEC) to Supporting MSMEs Competitiveness and Growth in Palestine Programme funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), SEC is seeking for a International Expert for Furniture Technical Regulation to increase the project beneficiaries competitiveness in the local and international markets.
SEC invites qualified international individual experts to submit technical and financial proposals.
2.0 Questions and Requests for Clarifications
Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this ToRs may be submitted no later than, Sunday 25th of August 2024 (Ramallah Local Time) by email to [email protected]. Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions, requests for clarifications and the responses thereto that SEC believes may be of interest to other offers will be circulated to all TORs recipients who have indicated an interest in bidding.
Only the written answers issued by SEC will be considered official and carry weight in the ToRs process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of SEC, or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this TORs.
2.0 Purpose of this assignment:
SEC is seeking technical and financial offers from qualified Local or International Expert to develop a Furniture Technical Regulation with Palestine Standards Institution (PCI) to strengthening MSMEs competitive advantage to compete in the local and international markets.
3.0 Expert’s key responsibilities:
The consultant/expert will collaborate closely with PSI, SEC, and GC staff, as well as with selected project stakeholders during the intervention period. The hired expert will perform the following key activities:
1.Assess the current furniture sector standards/ regulations
2.Develop a technical regulation for the furniture sector.
3.Develop a final report in English language.
4.0 Main Deliverables
The expert will submit the following deliverables in English Language:
1.A technical regulation for the furniture sector document.
4.0 Qualifications and Work Experience of the Expert
It is expected that the international expert to develop technical regulations for the furniture sector shall provide the following expertise:
- At least bachelor's degree in industrial engineering, or any related field.
- At least 6 years of proven working experience
- Provide list of assignment of relative
-Examples of previous work.
5.0 Duration of Appointment:
The expected level of effort of the expert is around 10 working days, within 1 month time are foreseen for implementing activities from signing the contract.
6.0 Logistic Support for the Consultant
SEC and PSI will provide information, document, hall for meeting and online meeting software or emergency cases.
7.0 Deadlines for Submitting CVs and Technical and Financial Offers
The deadline for submitting CVs, and Technical and Financial offers by latest Saturday 14 th of September 2024 (Ramallah Local Time)
Kindly send the offers to SEC email: [email protected]