Logistics and Procurement Management

Tender Description

Call for Request for Proposal

Strengthen the Organizational Capacity of the Local NGOs and CBOs working in the health sector to enhance their capability to provide complementary health services for Gaza 2020: Health Matters Project


About Gaza 2020 Health Matters Project (GHMP)

The USAID funded Gaza 2020: Health Matters program goal is “to increase access and availability of quality emergency and essential health” and designed to improve emergency preparedness and response (EPR), and to improve access and availability of quality primary health care (PHC) and secondary health care (SHC) by building the capacity of NGOs and community-based organizations (CBO) in Gaza.

One of the primary objectives of GHMP is to strengthen the organizational capacity of the local NGOs and CBOs working in the health sector to enhance their capability to provide complementary health services.

Service Objective:

Under this service, Mercy Corps is looking for contracting a local consultant/firm to provide on-job coaching visits to build the capacity of Logistics and Procurement Management practices in the identified NGOs

Consultancy team Qualifications:

The assignments will be implemented by local consultant with following qualifications: -

  • Master degree in business administration or relevant field with at least 5 years of experience working in this field.
  • Previous proven experience in designing and customization of the accounting and financial management manuals  
  • Training and experience in financial management and systems design
  • Experience in carrying out accounting and diagnostic work, preparing financial and operational manuals, making specific recommendations, and discussing and obtaining client concurrence.
  • Experience with the role and applications of internal control systems and procedures, along with the ability to assess such systems and to recommend remedial actions where necessary.
  • Familiarity with the local applicable law accounting and financial requirements and standards
  • Experience working with NGOs (local and international)

Personal/organizational Competencies

  • A high level of organizational and coordination skills.
  • High level of attention to detail.
  • An excellent command of the Arabic and English language – both written and oral.
  • Ability to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure.
  • Highly developed communication skills.
  • Motivated and has the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
  • Interest in social and electronic media, technology, networking and developing communications.
  • Ability to work relatively independently, a self-starter and be able to self-manage.

With at least 5 years of experience working in this field.

RFPs can be collected starting from 24 May 2018 from Mercy Corps Gaza office according to below address, from the Procurement Department.

Proposal Submission

Deadline for submitting sealed bids is Thursday 31 May 2018 12:00 PM, Ramadan working hours from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM (Sunday – Thursday)

Address: Mercy Corps, Al Motaz Building # 3, Al Sena’a Junction, Gaza office # 08-2826331

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 31, May, 2018
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