Market Regulation and Protection Consultancy
Integrated Market Development Program across the Occupied Palestinian Territory”
Terms of Reference –
Market Regulation and Protection Consultancy
Background & Introduction:
The Palestinian Farmers Union (PFU) in partnership with OXFAM is implementing a project entitled “Integrated Market Development Program across the Occupied Palestinian Territory” that is funded by SDC and DANIDA and aims to contribute to a resilient, sustainable, and equitable agricultural growth. The project is implemented by Agriculture Development Association (PARC), Economic & Social Development Center (ESDC), Palestinian Farmers Union (PFU), UWAC and Gisha. The SDC-DANIDA project is a four-year large-scale agricultural market development program in the West Bank and Gaza. The program aims to operate at two levels: at the sectoral level to facilitate agricultural market system changes and specific value chains level. Three inter-related outcomes will be targeted: (1) Market-based interventions and facilitation result in improved quality and increased market share. (2) Agriculture sector and its key sub-sectors attract and create more income opportunities and empowerment for women and youth. (3) The internal and external operating environment becomes more conducive for agricultural sector, reducing barriers, and creating opportunities.
If you are interested, please download full ToR: final -Gaza TOR Study on protec…l.docxl.pdf
Please submit the financial offer and technical offer via Email address [email protected] or by sealed envelope at PAFU head office at Ramallah, El Bireh 12 Holland Street, near representative office of Netherlands, no later than: 12th of March ,2020
For any questions, feel free to contact PFU’s executive Director Abbas Milhem at PFU’s head office: Telephone 02-240 0792