Tender Description

The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC) is a leading Palestinian Agricultural Development Organization that was established in 1983. Since its establishment, PARC has been efficiently engaged in Palestinian land development, water resources & environment, poverty reduction and women empowerment, olive oil marketing, as well as other crucial rural development programs
In accordance with its mandate, PARC will be implementing a project titles “Supporting the Income Generation and Productive Capacity of Male and Female Farmers In the Gaza Strip ". funded by AECID. 

Price offer of market study:

PARC is seeking a highly qualified consultancy firm to conduct market study in order to achieve the following objectives

  • Identifying the most promising locally produced agriculture products and the markets in which it is offered in terms of its economic value, contribution to the national GDP, demand size, and its potentials for development.
  • Identifying the development potentials of the identified markets, and assess the gaps that prevents it from achieving its full capacity.
  • Recognizing the customer needs and possible market share of the identified markets.
  • Providing propositions to respond for the identified market needs.
  • Identifying the ways in which products should be implemented.
  • Proposing better ways of products promotion.
  • Providing list of current successful women cooperatives/clubs.
  • Developing selection mechanism to assess and select the best women cooperatives/clubs that can produce the suitable products to fit with the market needs.
  • Assessing the potential women cooperatives/clubs, based on marketing study results using the approved selection mechanism developed by the consultant.
  • Recognizing the governorates and areas which suitable for planting to provide the market needs.

By the end of study, the consultant has to develop market study document in English Languages (2 colored hard copies and one soft copy)  

TEAM Minimum Qualifications

Key expert: Team Leader

Qualifications and skills:

  • Graduate degree in Economic development, Rural Development Studies, agronomy science or other related fields.
  • Economic and Agriculture expertise or related field.
  • Experience in livelihood study, valued chain study, market study, policy review and development research.
  • Solid methodological and research skills.
  • Ability to write clearly and concisely in English
  • Knowledge of the policy and institutional framework related to sustainable development in the occupied Palestinian Territories

Data processor and analyst:

  • Minimum B. degree in statistic or other related fields.
  • Advance practical knowledge of Statistical software (SPSS or equivalent) and other prime software (Excel, Word, M.S Project) with minimum three years of experience.
  • Excellent command of English language (Oral and Written).

Field Officers:

Qualifications and skills

  • Preferred degrees in the areas of Marketing, or economy.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience working on the similar projects (Data collection and analysis).


The submitted offers should be in Euro excluding VAT. The tenderer should be able to issue zero VAT invoices in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).

  • The tenderer must comply with the standards and requirements set out in the tender bid.
  • The submitted offer is binding to the Supplier nor the tender offer may be withdrawn after submission and remains binding by a period of three months starting from the date of the offer.
  • Tender documents delivered by hand.
  • Late applications will not be accepted
  • The tender envelop must be sealed and stamped.
  • Tender must stamp all bid papers.


The tenderers have to submit for the evaluation the following documents in hard and soft copies:

  • Technical offer with all supporting documents (Working methodology, CV‘s for the staff and the consulting firm profile, previous experience, …etc).
  • Financial offer, only hard copy.


The proposal should be submitted no later than (2:00 PM) on the (09/04/208) to the following address:

Note/ Pre-bid meeting will be conducted on Thursday, 05, April 2018 at 12:00 PM. At PARC office.

PARC’s headquarter, Zaytoon Quarter, Salah Eddin St.

Telephone: ++97082805040

Fax: ++9702805039

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 09, Apr, 2018
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