Marketing Campaign for AMENCA 3 Program Impact in the West B...

Tender Description

Tender Announcement

                   Bid No: [RFQ WB-FY21-SA0055” Marketing Campaign for AMENCA 3 Program Impact in the West Bank & Gaza”

AMENCA 3 is a five-year program funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). AMENCA 3 commenced in April 2016 in the Palestinian Territories, and is being implemented by three NGOs (CARE, Oxfam, APHEDA). AMENCA 3 has been working in the Palestinian Territories to increase agricultural outputs and strengthen agricultural value chains, and thereby enhance economic opportunities especially for women and youth. AMENCA 3 uses a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach to facilitate agricultural development across the Palestinian Territories.

The three NGOs consortium is seeking Companies/Suppliers specialized in marketing and communications to conduct a marketing campaign to promote and raise awareness of AMENCA3 and its results, outcomes and impact on its target group. The campaign will be targeted at Palestinian citizens, and stakeholders working in the sector in both West Bank and Gaza. As AMENCA3 is funded by the Australian people, a selection of media products will be disseminated abroad to reflect the Program’s outcomes. 

Interested Companies that have the relevant experience and expertise can download the tender documents from the link below and send a complete quotation by email to:  

[email protected]

Click here to download the tender documents


Please add the following title to the email subject;   

Bid No: [RFQ WB-FY21-SA0055” Marketing Campaign for AMENCA 3 Program Impact in the West Bank & Gaza”

Please quote your price in USD excluding VAT by Thursday, October 8th 2020 

For inquiries, please contact CARE Office- Ramallah: Tel. 02-2954949, 022954948, Extension 210

Location Ramallah
Deadline 08, Oct, 2020
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