Tender Description

Invitation to Re-advertise Tender No. (05/2018)

Mass Media Campaign

The Agricultural Development Association (PARC) announces a sealed envelope tender for the project Re-Use of Treated Wastewater for Agricultural Irrigation in Southern Gaza Strip funded by European Commission

Work location: The Southern Area

The tender will be awarded according to the conditions and standards illustrated in the tender documents. Therefore, interested service providers should take into consideration the following criteria:

Tender eligibility criteria:

-The applying service providers should hold an operating license from concerned authorities and has an accredited and valid commercial record according to common practices.
-Bid price offers should be valid for a time period no less than 90 days after the deadline for submitting the tender.
-Free tender price
-Prices should be offered in Euro, VAT free and with a financial clearance certificate (zero vat).
-Interested service providers can obtain a copy of the tender dossier on Thursday, March 15, 2018 until Monday, March 26, 2018 from 09:00 am to 02:30 pm in the Agricultural Development Association’s office in Gaza.
-A pre-bid meeting will be held on Sunday, March 25, 2018. Interested companies should attend the pre-bid meeting at PARC’s office at noon at 01:00 pm.
-Last date to submit finished and stamped tender dossiers will be Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 12:00 pm at PARC’s office in Gaza.
-Financial offer should be in separate envelop, as the evaluation will be mainly based on the technical offer. Only applicants whose technical offers succeeded in the assessment will have their financial offers opened and evaluated.
-Interested service providers should provide a bid entry guarantee, at the value of 5% of the bid offered as a bank guarantee or a bank check accredited and valid for no less than 90 days from the last date of submitting the tender dossiers. Personal checks or cash money bills will be rejected.
-The tendering committee is not obligated to accept the bid with the lowest price nor present the reasons for rejection.
-The Tendering committee has the right to delay, extend, remake, cancel or split the tender without presenting the reasons nor reimbursing the bidders.
-Preparation and announcement fees, on the internet or websites, will be paid by the bid winner

For inquiries, please call the Agricultural Development Association (PARC), Gaza, Azaitoun, Salah El-Deen St., to the west of Abu Jubba Petrol Station. Tele: 2805040, Fax: 2805039

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 28, Mar, 2018
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