Media and Communications Campaign to Mainstream People with...

Tender Description
         Bid No: [Tender: KAYANI-WB-FY21-SA0154 “Implementation of a Media and Communications Campaign to Mainstream People with Disabilities (PWD) and Women with Disabilities (WWD) in the Palestinian Public Life, Particularly in the Security and Justice Sectors”
CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is an international, non-profit, organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis. 
With funding from the UK Government through the Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) – Foreign and Commonwealth Office, CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza (WBG) is implementing a 3-year project entitled Gender Equality Project in the oPt (KAYANI). The project’s main goal is to increase Palestinian women’s public leadership and influence over decision-making, particularly in the justice and security sectors. 
KAYANI project would like to bid for the services of a Media and Communication Company, which will support CARE in launching a media campaign that includes a Roundtable discussion/event, 8 video spots, a show consisting of 4 episodes broadcasted weekly on CARE’s social media platforms, 8 radio spots disseminated on popular radio stations in the West Bank and Gaza, and a social media campaign based on a creative photo session.  
The campaign aims at deconstructing the social norms surrounding PWDs and instigate a conversation on Women with Disabilities and their participation in the Palestinian public life, as well as women participation in the Security and Justice sectors in general.  To this end, CARE seeks to obtain the services of a competent Media and Communication Company that will undertake the technical implementation of the outputs under the supervision of CARE’s team.
The company should have previous experience in media and communication products on gender, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and people with disability related issues. 
Interested Companies that have the relevant experience and expertise can download the tender documents from the link below and send a complete quotation by email to:  [email protected]

An information session will be conducted on February, 4th 2021 on Zoom from (1:00 pm to 2:00 pm) 

Meeting ID: 977 7694 2514 

Passcode: 652250

Please add the following title to the email subject; 

RFQ: KAYANI-WB-FY21- SA0154 "PWD Campaign” 

For inquiries, please contact the procurement department, CARE Office- Ramallah: Tel. 02-2954949, 022954948, Extension 210 
Location Gaza Strip, Ramallah
Deadline 04, Feb, 2021
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