Meetings and Conferencing services
Request for offers
Offer title: Meetings and Conferencing services
Ref.: RAM/2018/ADM/YM/280
Offers received between (Dates): 26 June 2018-10 July 2018
Offers received between (Hours): 8:30am – 4:00pm
Offer Validity date of price offer: Unitl 31 December 2019
UNESCO Ramallah Office is seeking a registered company to provide one or more of the following services:
The quotation must be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered by hand, and sent via email as a PDF file no later than 31 January 2018 before 4:00pm. Please insert the offer title (can be found at the top) in the email subject, quotation as well as envelope and address it to:
The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah
35 Al – Ahliya College Street Ramallah, Palestine
To : [email protected]