Mid-term Evaluation

Tender Description

Terms of Reference


Mid-term evaluation of the project 

“Taking Detention out of Palestinian Children”


Summary of the project

Yes Theatre for Communication among Youth (YT), a Palestinian non-governmental organization established in 2008, uses drama and theatre to positively influence children and youth in Hebron to create a change in their society. Supported by the KMW and CSSR, the Taking Detention out of Palestinian Children Project was launched in October 2017. The project uses Drama, theatre and Drama therapy to improve the mental health status of ex-detained children, especially those living in marginalized communities.  It is an innovative project which builds on the experience and expertise of a community theatre in Hebron to establish a Drama Therapy program, and is staffed by graduates of YT programs. The project consists of activities such as Kids 4 Kids, play 4 kids, drama workshops and master training in the drama therapy fields.

Evaluation purpose and objectives

The evaluation shall focus on assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the project’s interventions as well as the preliminary impact on the beneficiaries. The focus is on learning from these first 12 months of project implementation and drawing lessons learnt and making recommendations for the remaining project period. The evaluation should identify crucial elements for making a lasting impact on the psycho-social well-being and mental health status of the targeted children as well as potential obstacles to reaching the project’s objectives. 

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Consultants should submit the technical proposal and offer prices on August 25, before 4:00 pm.  

Yes Theatre will receive technical proposals and financial offers on the following email: [email protected]

Location Hebron
Deadline 25, Aug, 2019
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