Mid-term Review As part of “Building the Palestinian Agricul...

Tender Description

The project is comprised of six main components with specific deliverables:

- Agricultural Risk Assessment: Information and data on the overall agricultural risk environment and the demand for insurance services are collected, collated, analysed, and used to develop an agricultural insurance framework,

- Agricultural Insurance Data Market Infrastructure: High-quality data are available to decision-makers, policymakers, and insurance providers,

- Technical Capacity Building: The technical capacity of MoA, Palestinian Capital Market Authority (PCMA)and all relevant stakeholders including the private sector (insurance companies) on agricultural insurance is built and consolidated,

- Partnership with the Private Sector: PPP insurance scheme(s) are designed and developed,

- Public Sector Institutional Capacity Building: The delivery of procedural improvements and organizational strengthening to enable public sector stakeholders to provide agricultural insurance services, and

- Monitoring and Evaluation: Developing an Insurance Impact Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

Assignment Objectives and expected result

Oxfam is looking for a Consultancy Firm to conduct a Midterm Review (hereinafter “MTR”) for the project 'Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services'. The MTR should assess project progress towards the achievement of its objectives and outcomes as specified in the Project Document. The review shall assess early signs of success or failure with the goal of identifying the necessary changes to be made in order to set the project on-track to achieve its intended results. The review is being undertaken at about the midpoint of project implementation and will pave the way for improved project delivery for the remaining project duration and propose amendments required in project design, implementation arrangements in order to effectively achieve the envisaged outcome. The MTR will also highlight barriers and opportunities to effective and efficient implementation of activities and their contribution to project outputs, and outcomes. The MTR will also highlight any potential prospects of new interventions and activities to be recommended as part of the current implementation or possible new phases/projects in the future.

More specifically, the MTR final report should cover the following aspects:

- Assess project effectiveness by identifying and documenting the evidence for project progress towards the achievement of its objectives and outcomes as specified in the Project Document.

- Assess the efficiency of the project related to contribution to partnerships, accountability, value for money from the perspectives of different stakeholders.

- Identify and assess early signs of success or failure with the goal of determining the necessary changes to be made in order to set the project on-track to achieve its intended results.

- Identify external environment challenges and opportunities that had impacted the project’s progress.

- Identify key learnings, lessons, good practices, what went well, what did not, what can be improved, and provide recommendations to inform the revision to the strategies that are currently in use.

- Facilitate a participatory process with staff to review, advice and guide the overall project management strategy and its strengths and weaknesses.

- Expected deliverables under this consultancy assignment are:

- Inception Report: A detailed report outlining the proposed methodology, data collection tools, and timeline for the MTR, including feedback from Oxfam.

- Data Collection Tools: interview guides, and other tools used to collect data from project stakeholders.

- Draft MTR Report: A comprehensive report presenting the findings, analysis, and preliminary recommendations of the MTR.

- Final MTR Report: A finalized version of the MTR report incorporating feedback from Oxfam and stakeholders, including an executive summary, methodology, findings, analysis, recommendations, and annexes with supporting data and documentation.

- Presentation: A presentation of the MTR findings and recommendations to Oxfam and key stakeholders.

- Recommendations for Project Improvement: Specific, actionable recommendations for improving project effectiveness, efficiency, and impact based on the MTR findings.


The working language for the elaboration of all deliverables is English.  The period for the assignment is 60 calendar days starting from the date of signing the contract until the submission of the final report.

The evaluation findings and recommendations will be used as a basis for well-grounded strategic reflection on possible changes to be applied to the existing strategies and project management.


For the Full TOR please see the attached PDF 


Location Ramallah
Deadline 13, Feb
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