Midline Study
Developing equitable agricultural production and market systems for resilient economic development in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Midline Study
Project Background
Through a strategic partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Oxfam is implementing “Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilient Economic Development in the oPt” program. The overall objective of this program is to contribute to resilient and equitable agricultural growth from which small-scale women and men producers will benefit in the oPt. The specific objective is to increase the wellbeing and income of women and men engaged in small-scale agriculture in vulnerable communities through improved agricultural and market systems in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
Through the Theory of Change, the program aims to catalyse and establish better functioning market services led by the private sector in collaboration with the public sector. The approach will be to establish extension and training services and new business models, based on a strong small-scale producers (SSP) supply base. The program will contribute to developing more equitable agricultural production and more resilient market systems for SSPs in the oPt, which will lead to an increase in production, quality, profitability, and competitiveness of fresh- and processed fruits and vegetables. In addition, the program advocates for more enabling and inclusive policy and planning frameworks. Oxfam, furthermore, keeps raising the Government of Israel (GoI) violations of IHL and IHRL affecting the agricultural sector in the oPt.
The intended outcomes of the program are:
Outcome 1: Small-scale agricultural farming systems are more productive, sustainable, and responsive to market demand in the selected commodity value chains through a market system approach.
Outcome 2: Market systems in selected (5+1) Value Chains (VCs) are efficient, transparent, inclusive and rewarding for women and men small-scale producers.
Outcome 3: Enabling policies and market regulations are more inclusive and better promote the interests of SSPs; and GoI violations of IHL and IHRL affecting agriculture sector are challenged.
Outcome 4: Local partners and relevant sector organizations can practice market systems approach for pro-poor and resilient agriculture development.
Direct Targeted groups
The program is expected to have a direct impact on the lives of 10,350 small-scale producers, including 2,250 women, engaged in the selected VCs. The table below provides information on direct beneficiaries and geographical outreach per VC.
Value Chain
Estimated Number of Direct Beneficiaries*
Objectives and Expected Results
Oxfam is seeking the services of a consulting firm to undertake a midline study for the program. The purpose of the midline study is to measure possible outcomes and impacts of the program interventions and provide sector and intervention information that will help Oxfam, program partners and stakeholders better understand, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the status and progress to date. The overall objectives of the midline study are as follow:
- Verify all sector (value chains) level and intervention level baseline data.
- Identify midline data for program value chains as defined in the SIDA log frame
- Identify midline data per program interventions
- Compare midline results with the initial baseline data.
- Based on the midline findings:
- Review and amend program indicators through an evidence-based, participatory research and facilitation process.
- Provide recommendations for improvement of project log frame and MEAL system
- Provide recommendations for possible strategies/ actions to capture impact
It is expected that the midline study will provide information and analysis disaggregated per geographical spread (rural/urban), and gender.
Indicative Approach and Key Tasks
The midline needs to enable the measurement of the program performance indicators at the midline at all levels. This should be done on the basis of a solid scientific methodology that ensures the sound representativeness, reliability and credibility of data collected. Hence, it is expected that the midline survey will include primary research through both quantitative and qualitative data collection approaches, methods, and tools; as well as secondary research. The detailed approach to data collection, including a research plan, will need to be developed by the consultant and approved by Oxfam.
Oxfam expects the consultant to engage during preparation, planning, implementation, and analysis of the midline study with Oxfam staff, partners, stakeholders, change makers identified and women and men beneficiaries, proportionately as appropriate. In delivering this, the midline study needs to capture all the data needed to later assess the program’s performance and impact on:
The midline methods are expected to include a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods (at least but not limited to):
- Survey with target small-scale producers (SSP’s) and market actors based on questionnaire.
- Focus Group Discussions with targeted SSP’s.
- Capacity assessment of partners.
- Key Informant Interviews with various market actors.
- Secondary data collection, analysis and interpretation.
The following specific tasks are to be carried out:
- Contact with Oxfam and partners’ teams to ensure:
- Gathering expectations for the midline process
- Reviewing available resources for carrying out the midline
- Common understanding on the ToR
- Undertake a desk review of the project’s key documents including but not limited to:
- Project proposal and log frame
- Final Baseline report
- Intervention strategies
- Other relevant program M&E systems
- Value chain reports
- Review the log-frame and when relevant suggest recommendations for improvement and output indicators for key project activities
- Develop in consultation with Oxfam and partners first draft proposal for midline implementation (in English) including:
- Proposed indicators to be measured at the midline: Review of the log-frame indicators and recommendations for additional outputs indicators if relevant
- For each indicator, review and suggested data collection methods, tool and sampling strategy ensuring strong gender analysis
- Suggested capacity assessment tool and method (linked to program indicators) for partners and change makers
- Tools and template for analysis and reporting
- Data entry and analysis plan
- Comprehensive implementation plan for the study
- Translate relevant tools in Arabic, implement gendered field test of tools and methods suggested and collect feedback from Oxfam, key partners’ staff, allies and when possible change makers.
- Review and finalise proposal for midline implementation based on feedback collected and field test findings, to include
- All log frame indicators to be included in the midline English
- For each indicator, agreed data collection methods and tool, sampling strategy and guidance notes. Tools and guidance notes should be provided in both English and Arabic.
- Final capacity assessment tools and methods for partners and change makers both in English and Arabic.
- Final field implementation plan with protocols for the enumerators and supervisors
- Field manual for enumerators. (both in English and Arabic)
- Tools and template for analysis and reporting (both in English and Arabic)
- Data entry and analysis plan in English
- Recruit and train the enumerators
- Implement the midline including gendered quantitative and qualitative data collection, entry, analysis and quality control. All data must be disaggregated per gender and targeted locations and descriptive analysis and statistical analysis of significant differences and correlation must be provided, and to be discussed in a meeting.
- Render first draft midline report to Oxfam and partners for comments.
- Finalize the midline report within less than a week of receiving comments.
Key Deliverables and Timeline
The key deliverables and indicative timeline for each phase of the assignment are provided in the following table:
Oxfam is expecting the completion of the consultancy tasks as described in this ToR over a maximum period of 40 days starting 25 June 2018, and ending 2 August 2018 latest (final approved midline). Applicants are kindly requested to indicate in their offers the actual required number of days versus team size involved and the financial rates.
Team Composition
Upon the conclusion of an open and competitive bidding process, Oxfam will select and commission a technically qualified independent Consultancy Firm with an efficient and effective team composition covering targeted localities in both West Bank & Gaza Strip. The Core Team should include expertise in Market development and M4P approaches, quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation, statistics, agricultural development, and gender. The team should also include experienced enumerators and data entry personnel.
Governance & Management of the Midline Survey
- The Consultant will directly report to Oxfam Economic Justice MEAL Officers in both West Bank and Gaza Strip or designated staff member.
- The Consultant will work closely and in consultation with Oxfam and partners program teams in OPTI.
- The budget for this task is based on the offer and subsequent contract signed with the supplier, to include all type of expenses (travel, per-diem, transportation, calls, taxes etc.)
Financial Proposal
Please submit the proposal (technical & financial offer) and requested documents by email (as mentioned above) before 20 June 2018 COB, addressing to: Anas Abdeen: [email protected] quoting the reference code in the subject line of your email.
- Prices are valid for 60 days.
-The submitted offers should be in US dollar excluding VAT. The tendered should be able to issue invoice if not they can submit Payment request in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر) or will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to Palestinian Taxation department & laws.
Consultant Profile
The study will be led by a consultant/s with experience in field research, experience in conducting participatory research and conversant with the Agricultural sector in OPT and M4P approaches.
The ideal consultant will have at least 7-10 years of relevant experience. The consultant should have the following skills and competencies:
- Proven record in the development and implementation of robust midline in the international development sector for economic justice programming, in particular in fresh produce sector
- Good knowledge and extensive practice applying participatory approaches, qualitative and quantitative methods to monitoring and evaluation.
- Good experience of market approaches, value chain and M4P approaches and in working with relevant stakeholders in Gaza Strip
- Experience of integrating gender dynamics within participatory data collection and analysis
- Experience in conducting field research with Palestinian communities.
- Relevant geographical experience in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, ideally including previous work in the governorates of Jenin, Qalqilya, Tulkarem and Hebron, and the Jordan Valley cluster, as well as the 5 governorates of the Gaza Strip
- Ability to communicate fluently in English and Arabic and write reports in English
- S/he is expected to propose efficient and effective team composition in both West Bank and the Gaza Strip taking into consideration the social, cultural, environmental, and political/security issues. Team of senior /junior consultant can be an asset.
- Ability to work with a diverse team and under pressure to produce agreed deliverables in a timely manner
- Commitment to and understanding of Oxfam values and principles.
- The consultant must be collaborative, willing to share thoughts, ideas, and make constructive criticism.
- After reviewing applications, Oxfam reserves the right to suggest teaming up consultants.
Expression of Interest (EOI):
Oxfam invites the submission of an EOI from a qualified consulting firm with the experience and skills described above. The EOI must include:
- a) A cover letter of no more than 1 page introducing the consulting firm and how the skills and competencies described above are met, with concrete examples (Organization profile outlining similar experience including type of task, employer, project title, location, achieved outputs). The cover letter should also reflect the number of days to complete the assignment and total financial offer (cost). The cover letter should also indicate consultants’ availability for the proposed period.
- b) An outline of no more than 8 pages of the proposed process and key considerations including:
- Key considerations for the midline
- Proposed outline methodology for the midline
- Proposed timeframe and team size
- Detailed financial offer / costs with requested terms of payment. It is expected that the financial offer includes a primary budget breakdown of costs (fees, travel, accommodation, taxes. and enumerator cost ..etc).
- c) Team composition, management arrangements, CV and detailed work plan of proposed team members including contactable referees
- Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation.
Oxfam reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. We additionally reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change.
- Copyright and Confidentiality:
All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential and the sole property of Oxfam. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Oxfam will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except as otherwise noted.
- Notification
Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Oxfam shall notify the successful company that submitted the highest scoring proposal in writing and will invite for contract negotiations. Oxfam reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations
- Right to Final Negotiations
Oxfam reserves the option to negotiate on the final costs, and final scope of work, and also reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Oxfam’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.
Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Oxfam has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next-best rated company for negotiations.
- Communication
All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Oxfam. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in disqualification of the proposal.
- Acceptance: Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Oxfam reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions.
ANNEX: Mid-line Structure
- The report will be of maximum 50 pages and be, indicatively, structured as follows (Details of the report outlines will be shared and discussed with the consultant upon contracting):
- Title
- Contents
- List of acronyms
- Executive summary
- Introduction and background/Context
- Objectives of the study, its approach and methodology assignments including sampling strategy
- Limitations of the study
- Midline findings against the midline indicators. Presentation of the findings should include narrative and tables, using descriptive and statistics as well as gendered analysis of the results
- Indicator Tracking Table including gender disaggregated findings
- Recommendations on the indicators, MEAL strategy and program intervention
- Appendices includes at least:
- Agreed data collection methods and tools, sampling strategy and guidance notes. Tools and guidance notes should be provided in both English and Arabic.
- Final field implementation plan with protocols for the enumerators and supervisors
- Field manual for enumerators (both in English and Arabic)
- Tools and template for analysis and reporting (both in English and Arabic)
- Data entry and analysis plan English
- List of documents consulted
- Lists of Oxfam team and stakeholders’ representatives discussed/consulted throughout the assignment
- Data such as databases and primary information