Mixed-method, gender-sensitive evaluation
RFP Ref: PR/SC/RAM/2020/038
Save the Children International (SCI) is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; and we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
SCI is seeking qualified bidder to conduct a mixed-method, gender-sensitive evaluation for 22 months of project implementation. The evaluation will assess the delivery, effectiveness, Value for Money (VfM) and impact of the project, and report the findings, lessons learnt and recommendation for future programing and advocacy strategies throughout the process. The final evaluation aims to link to the baseline study findings which measured the situation of social-reintegration, inclusive socio-economic, and education opportunities for conflict-affected children and youth in target areas, as well as to provide baseline values for future monitoring and evaluation purposes. Furthermore, the assignment will include separate end-line assessment in accordance with the set tools and methodology used throughout the baseline.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact the Supply Chain Unit at the following address: [email protected] to express your interest and request the RFP documents. RFP documents will be sent to you in return.
It is recommended to request/collect the RFP documents as soon as possible.
Completed bid documents are due to be submitted by a closed and sealed envelope to SCI Office in, Rashmawi building, Al Sharafeh, Ramallah by 12:00 pm on Tuesday 9th March 2021