Organizational Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development...
Terms-of-References (ToR) for Organizational Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development Plan for the CBOs and CSOs in Hebron
Basic information
Project Name: "Women and Youth Transforming Local Public Services in Hebron"
Location: Palestine - Hebron
Project Funded by: European Commission
Entity Responsible for Execution: The Palestinian Information Technologies Association (PITA)
Implementing Partners: Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza) member of ActionAid
Duration of the Project: 24 months.
Goal of this contract: The purpose of this consultancy to assess the critical elements for effective organizational management and identifying those areas that need strengthening or further development and elaborating a for capacity development plan for 20 CBOs and CSOs in Hebron participating in this project.
Entity Responsible for this contract: Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza) member of ActionAid
Duration of this contract: 15 weeks
For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Term of Reference