Tender Description

Terms of Reference – AMENCA 3 Program 

Program title: Producing for Profit: Enhancing the long term profitability of small-scale farmers and producers

Program Funding: Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Program – Phase Three (AMENCA 3)

Donor: Australian Government 

Location: West Bank (Jenin) and Gaza Strip, occupied Palestinian Territories 

Reporting to: Merna Ziadeh, Project Manager, Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association- Asala 

Duration: December 2020-January 2021

Completion date: No later than  31st of January 2021

The purpose of this TOR is to contract a consultant to conduct Hygiene Quality Training to enable women to produce high quality products and ensure consistency of the production quality in compliance with the required Quality Standards and Specifications.

For those who are interested, kindly download the TOR

Interested consultants shall submit the required hard copies and one soft copy of their technical (company profile, relevant experience in conducting similar assignments, CVs of the proposed trainers) and a financial proposal to “Asala” to the below address no later than 30th of November 2020 at 12:00 PM local time.

Address is:

Khalaf Trade Tower Bldg, 2nd Floor, Al-Bireh, Ramallah
Palestinian Authority 
Tel: 02-241-3035, Fax: 02-241-3036
 Website: www.asala-pal.org   
Location Ramallah
Deadline 30, Nov, 2020
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