Tender Description

Tender Announcement

Bid No: RFQ: SOUQONA-WB-FY21-SA0101 "Dairy Products Packaging Machine"

CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza (WBG) is implementing Souqona project funded under AMENCA 3 program that adapts a hybrid market system approach that deals with Value Chains (VCs) and its actors along with the most important components of the market system: support services, main components of the enabling environment, gender/social roles and norms, environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation, institutional structures and relationships between institutions. 

Souqona aims at better connecting Palestinian farmers (particularly women and youth) to vegetables and dairy markets through enhancing readiness and engagement in a more sustainable and profitable way. Souqona activities are designed to correspond to following systemic constraints: 1) Poor access to quality, affordable and available key inputs (vegetable and sheep dairy VCs); 2) Poor practices of farmers that affect farmers’ productivity, diversity, and sustainability (vegetable and sheep dairy VCs); 3) Dependence on central market dynamics (vegetables VC); 4) Weak cold chains at different stages: collection, storage and transportation (sheep and goat dairy VC).

CARE is seeking a qualified vendor to supply and install a Dairy Products Packaging Machine for one of its dairy processing beneficiaries. Interested vendors that have the relevant experience and expertise can download the tender documents from the link below and send a complete quotation by email to:  

[email protected];

Link: ToR


  • Please add the following title to the email subject:
  • Bid No: RFQ: SOUQONA-WB-FY21-SA0101 “Packaging Machine” for AMENCA 3 Program”

- Please quote your price in USD excluding VAT by Tuedsay, January 5, 2021

  • For inquiries, please contact CARE Office- Ramallah: Tel. 02-2954949, 022954948, Extension 210
Location Ramallah
Deadline 05, Jan, 2021
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