Participatory Design of ICT Solutions for Hebron Municipalit...
Terms-of-References (ToR) for a Participatory Design of ICT Solutions for Hebron Municipality’s Services.
Basic information:
Project Name: "Women and Youth Transforming Local Public Services in Hebron"
Location: Palestine - Hebron with regular travels to Ramallah
Project Funded by: European Commission
Entity Responsible for Execution: The Palestinian Information Technologies Association (PITA), and Implementing Partners: Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza) member of ActionAid.
Goal of this contract: The purpose of this consultancy to assess the critical elements for designing and developing a mobile application that will serve Hebron Municipality and connects its services and will serve as a base for launching a youth contest for creating innovative ICT solutions that contribute in setting forth participatory, innovative and accessible service delivery mechanisms in Hebron Municipality.
Entity Responsible for this contract: The Palestinian Information Technologies Association (PITA).
Duration of this contract: It is expected that the selected consultant will provide all the needed support in a span of 20 Working Days.
Brief Information on the Project:
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the role of vulnerable groups as actors for change in local development processes for a more equal, open, and democratic society in Palestine. The specific objective of the project is to build the capacity of a range of CBOs and CSOs in Hebron for them to contribute meaningfully and to be more accessible and responsive to women and youth’s needs and interests in public services.
Consultancy Goals:
The goal of this consultancy is to assess the needed critical elements and aspects that are essential for designing and developing a mobile application that will serve Hebron Municipality and connects its services from one side, and will serve as a base for launching a youth contest for creating innovative ICT solutions that contribute in setting forth participatory, innovative and accessible service delivery mechanisms in Hebron Municipality from another side.
Specific Objectives:
Developing a report of the process that includes need assessment disaggregated per stakeholders with clear and specific recommendations to be considered in the ToRs of the youth contest and the designing and the technical development of the mobile application for the purposes of ensuring that the basic information needed for launching the ToRs is well grounded, feasible and innovative.
Application Submission and Deadline:
Interested applicants must send the technical and financial proposal (in English) by e- mail to [email protected] no later than Friday, 24th of December 2021 at 11:00 PM local time in Palestine.
For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Tender Document