Tender Description

for the European project

Promoting Governance and Citizenship in



The 4 partners have previously collaborated in the “Rural Development Program along the Abraham Path” that establishes a trekking route across the West Bank. This program is currently financed by the French Development Agency (AFD), the World Bank, and French local authorities. The Path crosses the West Bank from north to south, passing through towns, villages, encampments and refugee camps, thereby reflecting Palestinian identity in all its diversity and complexity. The first phase of this Program along the Abraham Path, Masar Ibrahim in Arabic, supported by the AFD and French local authorities took place between 2013 and 2016. Its success led to a second phase that has been validated and is being implemented until 2019. 

Based on the solid foundations of this existing Program, the 4 Partners have submitted to the European Union (EU) a new complementary project, entitled “Promoting Governance and Citizenship in Palestine”. This new project aims to strengthen Palestinian identity and citizenship through re-appropriation (research, preservation and promotion) of historical and cultural heritage along the Masar Ibrahim. 


The Masar Ibrahim allow us to oversee the plurality of the Palestinian identity. The memories evoked by each step of this journey, and the historical relics that we discover, remind us of the multiplicity of influences that have existed on this land. Among them, we have the Canaanites civilization from the Antiquity; references to episodes recounted in the Tora and the Gospels, or mentioned in the Coran; ruins witnessing Greek, Roman, Persian, Byzantine and Arab occupations; buildings reminiscent of the Franc passage; the Mamluk and then Ottoman, and British domination.

The proximity of these steps evokes the close link that connects the various components of the Palestinian population: Christians of various obedience; Muslims of various sensitivity; urban descendants of the oldest Middle East civilizations; nomad Bedouins coming from the center of the Arabic peninsula at various times; sedentary farmers who have cultural and religious characteristics common to all the traditional rural areas; and refugees displaced after the 1948 or 1967 wars. 
The exploration and valorisation of diversity along the Masar Ibrahim, which appears to be the central axis of the Palestinian identity, would restore the Palestinians’ consciousness of the plurality which has characterized them as a nation for a long time, and give foreigners an image that reflects the wealth of this country’s history and the complexity of its modern society.

Through the re-appropriation of historical and cultural heritage along the Masar Ibrahim, the Project aims to consolidate the social cohesion between the different components of the Palestinian population.

Working at enhancing social cohesion means to act at different levels:
- Bonding social cohesion is about the relations between people of the same social group or community. 
- Bridging social cohesion is about the relations between people from different groups or communities.
- Vertical social cohesion is about the hierarchical interactions or relations between people with different levels of power.
- Horizontal social cohesion is about the relations between persons with equal levels of power.

Our approach aims at enhancing these four types of relations/links in order to positively influence peaceful relations between people from complex and fragmented Palestinian society.


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The successful candidate must have: 

relevant degree(s) and/or experiences in social sciences or development studies, preferably in anthropology, sociology…
demonstrated strong methodology in conducting surveys; 
knowledge of the Palestine and through understanding of the Palestinian history and culture;
good command of survey software;
fluency in spoken and written English and Arabic.


previous experiences in survey on similar issues;
experience in conducting surveys in fragile and conflict-affected countries;
ability to speak French.


In country costs relating to the field mission in Palestine (in country transport costs, accommodation and subsistence) have to be included in the total amount of the financial proposal.
For each phase one contract will be stipulated between the consultant and the contractor. The four partners reserve the right to selection one expert for each phase.


Interested applicants should submit a tender application covering the following:
CVs of the expert who will undertake the assignment. Please note that the entry and the moving in the Palestinian Territories are subjected to strict rules in particular related to the passport (nationality of the person / visas etc.) The candidates will have to specify the compatibility of their profile with these requirements.
A short concept note including proposed approach and brief methodology for the two phases (no more than 4 A4 pages). Please specify the strategies that will be used in order to reach respondents in the areas as Gaza Strip and Jerusalem East. Furthermore, the concept note has to include a contingency plan in case of the impossibility to reach the respondents (political crisis, …). 
Availability to be physically available to deliver the services required over the period mentioned above.
Financial proposal which should clearly break down consultancy fees and reimbursable costs. Furthermore, the financial proposal will be clearly break down the costs for the two phases.
Max. 2 examples of previous surveys conducted by applicant(s).


Applications to be sent no later than the 19th March 2018 to Anna Castelnuovo –[email protected] and Elias N. Awad – [email protected]
Please, indicate “Prejudices EU project ENI/2017/390-692” as subject of your e-mails.


AFRAT - Association pour la Formation des Ruraux aux Activités du Tourisme www.afrat.com [email protected]
Anna Castelnuovo - International Project Manager [email protected] +33 (0)4 76 95 35 08

PCR - The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People www.pcr.ps
Elias N. Awad - Project Manager [email protected]  +972(0)2-277- 2018


Location Bethlehem
Deadline 19, Mar, 2018
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