Tender Description
Call for Tender
Prejudices Survey
Terms of Reference
for the European project
My Heritage! My Identity!
Promoting Governance and Citizenship in Palestine

A survey assessing prejudices against Palestine and Palestinians has been carried out during the first months of the project to support the project team in designing the activities of the project (trainings and raise awareness activities). Based on this previous work, the project team is launching the following call for tender in order to contract a team of experts to carry out the second and final phase of the survey.


The purpose of the Consultancy is to carry out a survey to assess the achievement of the project’s objectives by providing a comparative analysis between the first results of the survey (2018) and the final results (2020).

In order to evaluate the impact of the project activities on the deconstruction of prejudices, the survey should cover the follow items:

- the prejudices among Palestinian communities living in the West Bank, Gaza strip, Jerusalem East and Israel;

- the prejudices against Palestinian diaspora;

- the knowledge and prejudices about the Palestinian heritage hold by Palestinians living in Palestine.

- the prejudices against Palestine and Palestinians hold by foreigners that know or not Palestine and Palestinians.

The findings of the survey will help the project team to evaluate the achievement of the project’s objectives and develop further actions. 

Under the supervision of the EU project team, the provider and his/her team will undertake the following tasks: 

- collect and review data about the project and the first survey;

- conduct an inception meeting with EU partners to define the methodology and action plan;

- draft the questionnaires about prejudices;

- organize several interviews and focus groups with the beneficiaries of the project activities (NGOs, cultural actors, Local Authorities, students, Ministries, etc.…);

- disseminate the questionnaires by other online tools;

- collect, systemize and analyze the findings;

- do a comparison between the findings of the 1st phase and of the 2nd one;

- produce a presentation of the findings for a large public.


The call includes:

  • this document (ToR)
  • the Application procedures (Annex1)
  • the Application form (Annex 2)
  • the Budget template (Annex 3)
PCR - The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People www.pcr.ps

Elias Awad - Project Manager [email protected]  +972(0)2-277- 2018

AFRAT - Association pour la Formation des Ruraux aux Activités du Tourisme www.afrat.com

Anna Castelnuovo - International Project Manager [email protected] +33 (0)4 76 95 35 08

Click to download the attachments: Annexes

Location Bethlehem
Deadline 01, Sep, 2020
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