Preparation of Community Disability Profiles for 5 communiti...

Tender Description

Terms of Reference 

(Preparation of Community Disability Profiles for 5 communities in Hebron Governorate) 

QADER for Community Development is a non-profit organization based in Bethlehem and operating in Palestine since 2008. QADER focuses on the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities through influencing public policies, developing capacities of relevant stakeholders, promoting public awareness and inclusive community practices, and promoting economic empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.  

QADER is implementing a project entitled “Strengthening local capacities in Community-Based Inclusive Development in Hebron Governorate” funded by the Christian Blind Mission (CBM). The project aims to contribute to enhanced social, economic, and political participation and inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in local development processes in the southern West Bank, through achieving the following key results: 1) Inclusive youth accountability teams (IYAT) advocate for enhancing the role and commitment of duty bearers towards the rights and needs of Persons with Disabilities, 2) Improved evidence-based processes of inclusive local development planning in the project locations to address needs and priorities of Persons with Disabilities, and 3) Strengthened capacities and role of CBOs and OPDs to enhance participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in local communities. The project will be implemented in Al-Shyoukh, Beit Ummar, Beit Ula, Al Samou’, and Al Dahiriya in Hebron Governorate.  

Within the first result, QADER formed Youth Accountability Teams (IYATs), who will act as agents of change and advocate for the rights of Persons with Disabilities and for enhancing the role and commitment of duty-bearers towards Persons with Disabilities. The IYATs were formed in the project targeted communities (one team per targeted community consisting of 8 young males and females, with at least 4 youth with disabilities and 4 young females, aged 18-35), 40 persons in total.  

The IYATs will receive trainings on participatory research, community mapping and mobilization, life skills, disability rights, advocacy, social accountability, data collection methods, advanced digital communication , and marketing. Following the trainings, the IYAT in each targeted community will work on the data collection for the preparation of the Community Disability Profile (CDP), and through the support of the project, will implement a social and behavior change communication strategy to influence and change behavior and social norms in the respective community that have so far perpetuated exclusion, inequalities, and discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. The IYAT will also plan and implement social accountability and advocacy campaigns to enhance the role and commitment of duty bearers and hold them accountable towards the rights and needs of Persons with Disabilities in the project locations.   

About the Community Disability Profiles (CDPs) 

A CDP is a cross-sectoral presentation of the status of Persons with Disabilities (all types of disability, all ages, and both females and males); their needs and requirements; the available services programs, and resources; and priority interventions to address the needs and rights of Persons with disabilities. It addresses the following sectors and domains: health, education, employment, social protection as well as social and political participation. The IYAT will be involved in the design and planning of the CDPs and will take an essential role in the data collection process.   

CDPs constitute a cornerstone to strengthening inclusive local development planning processes, with the engagement of youth with disabilities, including females, as central actors and self-advocates. A manual for the preparation of CDPs will be prepared by the project as a guiding tool through wide consultation with experts from the Palestinian Disability Coalition and relevant local and international organizations.  

Objectives of the assignment 

The objectives of the assignment are: 

  1. Develop a manual for the preparation of standardized community disability profiles. 
  2. Prepare Community Disability Profiles (CDPs) for the 5 communities targeted by the project, to improve the evidence-based processes of inclusive local development planning through strengthening the participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities.  
  3. Train IYAT members on community mapping & mobilization, participatory action research, data collection methods, and tools. 

Interested consultant(s)/ consultancy firms can download the solicitation document from QADER's Website HERE and submit their offer accordingly.

QADER will conduct an online orientation and Q&A session on Wednesday 2nd of February 2022, at 14:30 PM, the link to be shared with registered consultants/firms. 

Offers shall be submitted to QADER’s office in Beit Jala, in a Sealed Envelope no later than 14:00 PM, Thursday 10th of February 2022. 

Location Hebron
Deadline 10, Feb, 2022
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