Producing video reflecting program achievement

Tender Description

Terms of Reference for Consultancy: Producing video reflecting
program achievement

1. Organisation

The Kvinna till Kvinna foundation is a non-profit organisation that supports women’s
organising in conflict-affected contexts with the aim to advance women’s rights and promote
sustainable peace. It does so by strengthening and supporting women’s rights organisations
(organisational, thematical and financial). The approach, as for all Kvinna till Kvinna’s work,
is to enhance local ownership, provide long-term financial support, networking opportunities
and organisational strengthening through dialogue and capacity development for partner
organisations. Through its head office in Stockholm and eleven country offices, it supports over
100 women’s rights organisations in five different regions (Western Balkans, South Caucasus,
Middle East and North Africa, West and Central Africa). Kvinna till Kvinna has an office in
Jerusalem since 2001 and has since then supported over 200 000 women in the West Bank
including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, mainly to enable equal participation in political
and civic decision making, protection and prevention of gender based violence and push for
rule of law. This is done through partnership with women’s rights organisations gaining
strengthened organisational capacity and networking opportunities nationally and globally.

2. Position and purpose

The Palestinian Program: Turning Promises into Reality: Palestinian Women Human Rights
Defenders Voicing for Change started May 2017 will come to an end by end of December 2020.
Eight partners contributed to various results and accomplished several achievements that are
relevant to the main program outcomes:

Outcome 1: Women’s rights organisations have enhanced capacity to strengthen women to
claim their rights from relevant local and national duty bearers and mobilise increased support
from men in the targeted communities
Outcome 2: Women’s rights organisations are increasingly inclusive of marginalised women1
and their networks participating in civic and political decision making and implementation
Outcome 3: Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s rights organisations, Women Human Rights
Defenders, and coalitions have called for increased accountability to relevant local, national
and international political and institutional duty bearers for women’s rights in occupied

As a closure to this program cycle, the video(s) will capture the main achievements of the
program outcomes that are :
- The gained voices of the right holders (young / bereaved women / rural women and
women that has been exposed to gender-based violence). The stories shall reflect what
enabled change to occur and how the partners supported to this.
- The Integrated Security and Wellbeing work; what it is and how it enables women
organisation to evolve work environments and relations while being under tremendous
pressure in a repressive context for women’s rights
- Long-term networking opportunities for the women’s movement contributes to local
and national achievement for women’s rights; what achievement and how it’s been
possible (what were the contributing factors)
This video(s), photographs and stories will be used as a promotional material for potential new
donors and a documentation for all the partners work; at various communications platforms.
Hence, the deliverables have to be accustomed the content for YouTube and Facebook.

3. Assignment and activities

3.1 To collect virtual data already produced by partners and networks within their individual
projects from all partners involved in the program
3.2 Interview partners and their right holders in order to collect the material needed for the
videos in both West Bank and Gaza Strip
3.3. Interview the program staff at Kvinna till Kvinna for relevant input of the program to the
3.4. Interview relevant stakeholders identified by the partners as to confirm achievements /
3.5 Film and produce a short video and a promo 7 minutes length) that will include the
- Introduction of Kvinna till Kvinna; their scope of work and programs
- Achievements of partners
- Right holders voices capturing the change and or relevant stakeholders
- Kvinna till Kvinna vision for change and reflection on how to go about this
Kvinna till Kvinna role would be to support the consultant with the contacts of the main
partners and establish the relationship between them, revise and provide feedback to the
consultant on the content of the video before final production.

4. Deliverables

Consultant(s) selected for this assignment will perform the following indicative tasks:
- Collect virtual material from partners (videos, photos etc) if needed for the production
- Develop the story boards of the estimated 7 minutes video to be discussed and approved
by Kvinna till Kvinna team;
- Present a work plan for the assigned work specifying travelling days;
- Film appropriate short interviews with the program partners, right holders and
- Take photographs of the rights holders in accordance with Kvinna till Kvinna branding
- Work on the desired products for this consultancy, including high resolution videos as
outlined above.
- The video should be in full HD which include translation and subtitling from Arabic to
- The Video and photos should be produced in accordance with Kvinna till Kvinna
graphical profile and branding book.

5. Qualifications: Required skills and competencies

The consultant(s) should have:
- Exceptional photography skills;
- Outstanding videography skills;
- Excellent photo, audio and video editing skills;
- Previous experience in producing local or international quality short films for social
- Experience and accessibility working in areas of the West Bank including East Jerusalem
and the Gaza Strip
- Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility;
- Availability to start immediately, upon signature of contract (foreseen to be in October);
- Arabic and English language is required.

6. Cost frame

Consultant fees shall be specified as fees per day including VAT. The tender shall state total
value of tender, including expenses such as telephone, equipment, producing, filming and any
expenses for travel related to the assignment.
Contracted consultant cannot further subcontract the assignment. In cases where the tender
includes a team of consultants, their division of work shall be presented specially the team in
the Gaza strip and the West Bank.
The assignment is estimated to require a minimum of 25 working days, divided between
interviewing, filming, editing and producing

7. Required information

All expressions of interest should include:

- CV(s) of the consultant(s) involved in the consultancy
- Methodology and work plan for implementation of the assignment
- Timeframe of the assignment in accordance with the points specified in this ToR
- Fees incl. VAT with all expenses in accordance with notes under cost frame
The expression of interest should be sent to Kvinna till Kvinna no later than 18 October
2020 to the following e-mail address: [email protected] indicate “ Video
on program achievement ” in the subject

For questions and clarifications, please contact Rana Khoury on the following email address:
[email protected]

Location Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Ramallah
Deadline 18, Oct, 2020
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