Tender Description
Economic & Social Development Center of Palestine (ESDC) is a Palestinian development-oriented NGO with vast experiences in the both development and humanitarian cooperation. Within the development cooperation, ESDC is a well-recognized at the national level for their work in developing and building the capacities of cooperatives and the cooperative sector. Not only does ESDC build the institutional capacities of cooperatives, CBOs and working groups, but also develops their capacities in natural resources management, agriculture and food security, and social economy. Institutional capacity of the cooperatives, CBOs and working groups is built and sustained through: updating strategic and business plans to coincide with their business, adapting proper production systems and developing their marketing capacities.
FISH MED NET project is co-funded by the ENI CBC MED Programme, which promotes co-development between European and non-European Mediterranean countries. The partnership of FISH MED NET is composed of Community of communes in the south of Corsica, France, Legacoop Agroalimentare, Italy, Haliéus, Italy, CIHEAM IAM Bari, International Organization, Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon, ATDEPA - Association for the Development of Artisanal Fishing of Tunisia, and ESDC – Economic & Social Development Center, Palestine, member of the International Cooperative Alliance, are implementing the project of " FISH MED NET, in partnership with the ENI CBC MED program, is a Euro-Mediterranean project that aims to develop integration and diversify the fishing sector by giving it new dimensions. Which promotes common development between European and non-European Mediterranean countries.
ESDC is seeking to commission a consultancy firm/person “In general, the PTM will provide support to selected enterprises by delivering clear guidelines in order to support their business activities, as well as, other MSMEs in the fisheries sector under the four selected business model” according to conditions and requirements detailed in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
ESDC does not necessirily accept the lowest offers and has the right to cancel the offer without justificaton;
Those interested consultant/firm should proof their related experience and their ability to execute the works stated in the offer document;
Price includes all logistic expenses.
All offers are made in EURO ( € ) exclude VAT.
Cconsultant should submit valid source deduction certificate,
Cconsultant is held responsible should he failed to issue official Zero VAT invoice or deduction at source certificate;
All offers valid for 90 days as of the date of offers handing over;
Price valid for 90 days as of the date of offers handing over;
Jobs announcement expenses should be paid by bid winner
For more details please contact ESDC at 02-2989909 / 08-2880221 or by email: [email protected]
A detailed description of the assignment, services required by ESDC and conditions of participating in this is contained in the RFP dossier and can be downloaded from the following link:
The deadline for submission of proposals is 20th December 2022 at 12:00 PM upon conditions in the RFP dossier.
Offer shall be submitted in hand to the following address: ESDC: Gaza - the second port - opposite the Monetary Authority - Hajji building - the eighth floor
All documents shall be submitted in English
We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.
Gaza Strip
20, Dec, 2022
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