Production and Promotion of Awareness Video on the fate of w...

Tender Description

The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Production and Promotion of Awareness Video on the fate of women after the stage of safe house

PWWSD invites proposals from qualified suppliers with a track record of success in producing digital communication products.  We are seeking the services of supplies who can provide high quality video storylines to raise awareness of the community, families  and decision makers about the fate of women after the stage of  safe house to improve protection of women, young women and girls from gender-based violence (GBV). The 4 minutes short video is a tool for creative audio-visual content which will aim to build and spread awareness to give high priority to protect women and girls.

Required Qualifications:

  1. Professional capacity, skills, knowledge, expertise, and equipment to carry out the assignment.
  2. Work in the area of public communications, advertising, video production for at least 3 years
  3. Have experience in the field of video production, digital promotion
  4. Demonstrate ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
  5. Be fluent in Arabic and English.
  6. Possess sufficient human and financial resources as well as work experience and presence in the occupied Palestinian territory. 
  7. Established networks relevant to the assignment.
  8. Experience in interviewing people from different social backgrounds
  9. Availability to conduct this assignment during the specified period (24th October  – 30th  November \2021).

Application deadline:

Interested production companies and individuals should submit the technical and financial proposals for the above-mentioned tasks with a cover letter by October 18th , 2021 to the following email address: [email protected], with Title “Awareness Video on the fate of women after the stage of safe house– (Name of Candidate Contractor). 

For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Full ToR

Location Ramallah
Deadline 18, Oct, 2021
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