Production of five “Behind-The-Scene” videos and related pho...

Tender Description

Short-term Consultancy: Video and Photography Production Company
For the production of five “Behind-The-Scene” videos and related photography
Deadline for application: 08 May 2018

General Summary

Oxfam is seeking a professional production company to produce five “Behind-The-Scene” videos of 2 to 3 minutes each and photography documenting the “behind the scene” and discussing the main editorial content of a 30 episode edutainment series targeting youth in East Jerusalem. The Behind-The-Scene videos will be broadcasted online on the edutainment website. This deliverable is part of the activities of a consortium project entitled “Wujood; Strengthening The Resilience Of Vulnerable
Palestinian Communities In East Jerusalem” funded by the European Union.

The Project

Wujood is an Arabic term that means existence and presence. The term is a depiction of the resilience of Jerusalem’s Palestinian inhabitants who are struggling to claim their right to live in their city and preserve their Palestinian identity.

According to international law, East Jerusalem is an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Yet, the Government of Israel implements policies that further fragment and isolate East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank as well as from the Gaza Strip. Its residents are subject to discriminatory measures on a daily basis, preventing them from accessing basic services and
leading a dignified life. This creates a coercive environment, which directly threatens the right of Palestinians to stay in Jerusalem and significantly erodes the viability of a future Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Through Wujood project Oxfam is dedicated to strengthening the resilience of vulnerable Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, until a political solution is found to allow them to reclaim their rights.

Wujood- Strengthening the Rights of Vulnerable Communities in East Jerusalem is phase II of this program funded by the EU and co-financed by Oxfam. This multi-sectoral project is implemented by four Palestinian organizations working with Palestinian women, youth, teachers, CBOs and other members of the community. The project aims to strengthen women’s rights, emergency
response, economic empowerment for women, and the identity of youth.
Program activities are taking place in some of East Jerusalem’s most vulnerable communities including Silwan, the Old City, Sur Baher, Esawiyyeh, and Al- Tur. Implementing partners include: the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC), the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS), and the Palestinian Counselling Centre (PCC), and the Palestinian Agriculture
Development Association (PARC).

Application submission

Interested parties should submit their application via email in a PDF format addressed to: Simon Trepanier, Communication Advisor at [email protected]
Submission Deadline: Delivered by latest 04:00 PM on 08 May 2018.
Contact person: Simon Trepanier, [email protected]
Tel: 02-656-8932 ext. 211


Behind-The-Scene videos

Overall aim
To produce five Behind-The-Scene videos of 2 to 3 minutes each tackling a different angle relative to the making of and the
editorial content of the 30 episodes series.

The Behind-The-Scene videos should include footage of the “making of” along with interviews of key actors and, if appropriate, other member of the production team, describing the motivations of their character and the challenges they face, focusing on thematic issues the series’ highlights. Each short film making up the overall behind-the- scenes documentary should cover one of the five following angles:

1. Youth identity formation and self-expression
2. Early marriage
3. Gender based violence
4. School drop out
5. Negative behaviors (drugs, social media over/misuse, smoking)


Photography: between 100 and 200 high resolution and color corrected pictures of the making of as well as portraits of key actors ideal for promoting the series on social media, posters, media packages, etc.

Format of deliverable:
-video: Five (2 to 3 minutes each) MOV or mp4 videos suitable for online viewing.
-photography: Between 100 to 200 Tiff pictures color corrected.

Duration & Timeframe: The shooting of the series will start in April 2018 and run until July 2018. The production company producing the “Behind-The-Scene” videos and photography should liaise with the production company producing the edutainment series to schedule at least five days of “Behind-The-Scene” shooting. The five videos should be delivered no later
than end-August 2018, while the photography should be delivered towards the end of June 2018.

Oxfam retains copyright of the films and photography and may use them for example, in local and international media, Oxfam websites and social media pages, posters and billboards.


Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documents:

- CV
- Portfolio and samples of work/productions

Technical Offer
- A cover letter describing why you are the right fit for this consultancy, describing your production style and experience,
camera and editing software to be used.

Financial Offer

A detailed financial offer indicating the price per video including all expenses such as transportation, use of equipment, sound
track music, pre and post production costs, and for the photography etc. The amount includes any taxes which may apply. Oxfam
will not issue any additional expenses or reimbursements.

Service requirements

Individual consultants and private companies are eligible to apply, subject to the availability of official documents of registration in the country/state where located, as follows:
A. Companies/ individuals registered under the Palestinian Authority (PA) are required to submit a zero VAT invoice.

B. Companies/ individuals registered under the Israeli authorities are required to submit an official tax invoice.

Award Criteria

Applicants will be considered after review of submitted applications as specified above. The consultancy contract will be awarded to the strongest application. Other areas to be considered include:
- Years of experience and quality of portfolio
- Availability of needed equipment and software
- Depth of knowledge of the East Jerusalem context
- English and Arabic language skills
- Flexibility to work on weekends as well as early mornings and late nights on weekdays
- Ability to enter and work in East Jerusalem Payment

A payment plan will be developed upon consultation and agreement with the selected company/individual prior to signing the service contract. Payment instalments will be issued upon receipt of deliverables as agreed between Oxfam and the selected candidate and after submitting an official invoice (VAT or zero VAT invoice).

Location Jerusalem
Deadline 08, May, 2018
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