Tender Description

Through a strategic partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Oxfam launched the inception phase of “the equitable agricultural production and market systems for resilient economic development in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)” in November 2015. The project is implemented in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The overall objective of this program is to contribute to resilient and equitable agricultural growth from which small-scale women and men producers will benefit in the oPt. The specific objective is to increase the wellbeing and income of women and men engaged in small-scale agriculture in vulnerable communities through improved agricultural and market systems in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

The program aims that incomes of poor households to sustainably increase through enhanced employment and income opportunities. In partnership with key market players, the project will help to unlock the fresh produce sub-sector’s potential benefits for small-scale women and men farmers, through four inter-related strategies: (1) Catalysing farmers’ cooperatives and groups to benefit from joint action, including with private sector, towards enhanced capture of market benefits; (2) Facilitating investment opportunities and market linkages to diversify trade channels of smallholder farmers to domestic, regional, and international fresh produce markets; (3) Improving regulatory and institutional framework to ensure more favourable conditions for small-scale farmers; and (4) Systematically addressing cross-cutting issues in market facilitation approaches, including approaches to promote gender equity, good governance, and increased resilience of small-scale farmers to climate variability and change.

Through this theory of change the project is aiming to catalyze/establish better functioning market services led by the private sector in collaboration with the public sector. The approach of this project will be to establish extension and training services and new business models, based on a strong SSPs supply base. The project will contribute to developing more equitable agricultural production and more resilient market systems for SSPs in opt, which will lead to an increase in production, quality, profitability and competitiveness of fresh- and processed fruits and vegetables. Besides this the project will advocate for more enabling and inclusive policy and planning frameworks.

Based on an extensive and participatory value chain selection processes six commodity value chains (VCs) were identified: (i.) cucumber and (ii) potatoes (vegetable sub-sector), (iii) grapes and (iv.) olive (fruit sub-sector), (v.) small ruminants (livestock sub-sector), and (vi.) traditional food processing (women ‘s economic empowerment component).

In the implementation phase, Oxfam in partnership with PARC, RWDS, ESDC, PLDC and MAAN the program can engage with to facilitate market systems improvements through addressing constraints at the levels of farm production, market demand, market support functions and services, and operating environment.

Title offer

Olive Sector: Future Prospects and Intervention Strategies

Promoting Olive Sector Development in Gaza Strip


Upon the conclusion of an open and competitive bidding process, PARC will select and commission a technically qualified independent Consultancy Firm with an efficient and effective team composition.  The Core Team should include expertise in market system development approach, agricultural sciences especially olives value chain and conducting workshops and training sessions. The team should also include experienced data analysis, documentation and reporting personnel


The submitted offers should be in US dollars excluding VAT. The tenderer should be able to issue zero VAT invoices in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).

  1. 1 All logistic related-expenses to the execution of the service from transportations, hospitalities, papers … etc. should be considered in the financial offer.
  2. Tender documents delivered by hand.
  3. Late applications will not be accepted
  4. PARC shall not be bound to accept the lowest price or any tender proposal, and reserves the power to accept any part of any tender proposal.
  5. The tender envelops must be sealed and stamped.
  6. Price offers must stamp/Signed all bid papers.



The received offers will be evaluated technically and financially. Where 70% of the final score will be for the technical part of the applied offer and 30% will be for the financial part.  

The technical evaluation will be carried according to the following grid:

  1. The outer envelope should contain two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and the other for the financial offer.
  2. Financial offer should be in separate envelop.


  • A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday (26/06/2019). Interested companies should attend the pre-bid meeting at PARC’s office at noon at 01:00 pm.
  • The proposal should be submitted no later than (2:00 PM) on the (30\06\2019) to PARC premises’ in Gaza Strip.

Gaza Strip

PARC’s headquarter, Gaza

Gaza Strip, Al Zaytoun , Salah Al Deen St .

Tel: 08-2805040

Fax: 08-2805039

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 30, Jun, 2019
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