Providing training & coaching services on advocacy & lobbyin...

Tender Description


Providing training and coaching services on advocacy & lobbying

MA’AN is one of the partners who implementing the “Partnership for Development Project” the project seeks to strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations –actors for social change– in such a way that they can work towards a more just and equal society based on a democratic and participative execution of power and guaranteeing each and every one the access to their social and economic rights.

The project is   implemented by MA'AN Development Center, along with the Popular Art Center (PAC). The project target 4 boundary partners who are the youth clubs, students, employed youth and popular committees.  Hand to hand with these partners, the project aims to form an effective and organized social movement that includes large sectors of the community and actively influence and affect the definition of polices towards more social and economic justice, equality, human rights and freedoms. The project is implemented in Gaza Strip in partnership with two main partners who are the Women Graduates Association and Al Aqsa Club.  

MA’AN Development Centre The objective of this consultancy is to raise the capacity of the trainees from the two partners in the advocacy and media fields.

To achieve this, MA’AN seeks to contract a qualified consultant firm with the following minimum qualifications:

  • Reflect a good experience in actual delivery of the training topics.
  • Have proven experience (holding post graduate degree or equivalent, in a related field with at least 5 years of relevant experience).
  • Clearly describes the similar experience and assignments.
  • Submitting a comprehensive methodology of implementing this consultancy
  • Working knowledge of Arabic and English ability to deliver training and reporting proficiently in both languages.

Interested consultant firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Office  from 15th July 2018 – 19th July  2018 and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 22th July 2018 (before 12:00 pm) at MA’AN Development Center office in Gaza, Palestine (Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square,Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor Next to Blood Bank Building, Tel.: 08-2823712) .

  • The awarded Consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria below. Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review. The financial offer weight is 30% from the total weight while the technical offer is 70% of the total weight.
  • Financial Offer must be in NIS including VAT invoice.
Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 22, Jul, 2018
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