Quality & Accountability Support Consultant
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Quality & Accountability Support Consultant for Tdh in Palestine
Tdh is seeking for a technical specialist in the field of Quality & Accountability (Q&A) for a short-term assignment.
Organization and Context background information
Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) is a long standing and leading international actor in the field of child rights. Its global interventions reach more than 4 million children and their families annually. In pursuit of its aims of southern sustainable development, Tdh works in partnership with civil society actors and local authorities.
Tdh has been active in the in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) since 1984, with an uninterrupted operational presence since 2009. Its current thematic priorities are child rights and protection, Gender Based Violence (GBV), access to justice, hygiene promotion and livelihoods. Gender justice is a specialized programmatic theme that crosscut across the different priority interventions. Tdh adopts a systemic approach via the development of strong and influential relationships with civil society networks and local authorities.
Tdh is managing a three-year grant from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to deliver its ‘AGENCY’ programme - Action for Gender Equality, Non-Discrimination, Civil Society Strengthening and Youth Empowerment. The purpose of the programme is to reinforce and empower Palestinian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Community-based Organisations (CBOs) within the GBV sector, to maximize their technical, operational and institutional capacities in order that they might deliver quality services for vulnerable women, men, girls and boys. Tdh’s partner CSOs and CBOs will be tasked with delivering innovative, pro-active, effective and inclusive responses to the challenges of GBV.
Objective and deliverables of this assignment
This task specific assignment is to set-up a complex yet comprehensive Q&A framework for a program in Palestine. The consultant should have extensive experience in participatory Q&A processes, and the ability to travel to Palestine if required. The consultant should have thorough technical understanding on multisectoral approach to prevention and response SGBV and child protection sector. In addition, strong skills and experience on quality monitoring, accountability and impact measurement. The main Objective of the consultancy is to develop a Q&A framework for a multi-year program with several implementing partners using participatory approaches.
More specifically the expert is expected to do the following:
Development of the results framework for the program that covers all partner objectives and interventions.
Develop Indicator measurement framework, a set of project management KPI’s, and progress tracking matrix and associated tools for data collection & reporting.
Provide guidance to the programs and the local MEAL teams in setting up the ‘Complaints, Feedback, and Response Mechanism’ (CFRM).
Develop an online program performance tracking dashboard, a version that is accessible to all implementing partners, and a detailed version more to support the Tdh program management team and their decision making.
Develop a Q&A manual for the program management teams’ and implementing partner’s reference.
Capacity building of implementing partner organization and Tdh staff on the new results frameworks, Q&A standards and procedures, monitoring tools and reporting guidelines.
Training the program management staff on regular performance review methodologies,
Support the local MEAL team to conduct a baseline study.
Key deliverables
Results framework
Project performance tracking tools, associated dashboard (internal & external versions), data gathering and reporting tools.
Q&A Manual also consisting of the CFRM framework.
Baseline Study draft report
Training for implementing partner and Tdh staff on Q&A topics
Modalities and Timeline
This assignment is expected to be carried out in 20 days
A precise timeframe is to be proposed by the consultant or the team of consultants, together with a detailed methodology and financial proposal.
Requirements for the expert
Excellent knowledge on MEAL concepts, including development approaches, participatory methods, and impact measurement.
Excellent knowledge in Project Cycle Management (PCM).
Very good knowledge on Statistical analysis methods, data visualization.
Excellent understanding on multisectoral SGBV, child rights, human rights, and child protection programming.
More than 10 years of experience in the field of Q&A, and good understanding on the Palestine context and the complexities in establishing MEAL systems.
Extensive knowledge on the application of Q&A in the development and humanitarian settings.
Previous experience working in the MENA region, preferably in a regional role.
Setting up delegation / country level Q&A systems. Worked on multi-year consortiums.
Ability to create a collaborative working environment while providing remote support.
Flexibility, availability, and adaptability.
Results-oriented and problem-solving skills.
Being able to learn from difficult experiences and capitalize on mistakes and seize opportunities.
Remotely, with possible travel to Palestine
Reporting to and working with:
The consultant will report to the programme’s Team Leader and with other Tdh team members as advised by the Team Leader. S/he will be supported by the Regional Q&A Coordinator.
Working within the restrictions of COVID 19
The health and well-being of all participants in the AGENCY project is of paramount concern to Tdh. Tdh will ensure that the actions of the consultancy are COVID 19 compliant, as determined by its own policies and those of the relevant Palestinian Ministry.
Application procedure
Interested consultants are expected to submit a detailed expression of interest (technical and financial proposal), explaining how they meet the required knowledge and skills set, with the following components:
Tdh will only consider complete applications corresponding to the required profile. Applications must include a complete CV and a covering letter and should be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Deadline for applications is March 12, 2021 at 11:59pm, Palestine time
Ethical considerations
The consultant/consulting agency must sign the Terre des hommes Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and be willing to adhere to its principles and expected practices. If a breach of the policy or code of conduct takes place, the consultancy will be terminated immediately without any financial burden on Tdh.
Disclaimer on copyright, data protection
All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant(s) formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of Tdh. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by Tdh and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to Tdh upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of Tdh. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of Tdh.