Renovation and Rehabilitation of the Edward Said Public Libr...

Tender Description

Youth Vision Society

Tender Announcement

Renovation and Rehabilitation of the Edward Said Public Library

About YVS

YVS is a rapidly growing LNGO in Gaza, we work on Education in Emergencies, MHPSS, FSL, Cash assistance, and WASH throughout Gaza. The Youth Vision Society (YVS) started as a youth-led initiative by people who were passionate about community development and providing hope in Gaza. The organisation began by focusing on youths as the future of Gaza, and while we continue that work, we also focus on wider community resilience and gender transformation across all age groups. YVS emphasises empowering youths, women, and community by fostering independence, responsibility, and commitment, enabling them to realise their potential and positively impact society. We believe that young people have a crucial role in community building, and that the success of our youth is a measure of a thriving society

Youth Vision Society is pleased to announce a sealed-bid tender under the project titled: "Compensated learning and MHPSS for primary school children in Gaza City"

Submission Details for Vendors:

Registered suppliers and companies specialising in this field, who are interested in participating, are invited to obtain a copy of the tender documents as outlined below. Documents are available at: Youth Vision Society Office: Gaza City, Al-Nasr area, west of the Italian Complex, opposite Fetouh Building.

Documents can be collected starting Sunday, December 29, 2024, until Thursday, January 2, 2025, during official working hours (9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, excluding Fridays, Saturdays, and public holidays).

Tender Details:

* Tender Title:  Renovation and Rehabilitation of the Edward Said Public Library

* Tender Number: CBPF-OPT-24-S-NGO-33871/2024-1

* Envelope Opening Date: Jan 2th, 2025, 12pm

Tender Document Collection:

Tender documents and related requirements for Tender No. (CBPF-OPT-24-S-NGO-33871/2024-1) can be obtained at the Youth Vision Society office. Bids must be submitted by the deadline mentioned above. Prices submitted must remain valid for one months from the closing date.

The tender opening session will occur at Gaza's Youth Vision Society office. Interested bidders are welcome to attend.

Special Terms and Conditions:

1. Only profit-based companies are eligible to participate, provided they submit all required supporting documents, including tax invoices.

2.Prices must be quoted in USD and include all applicable taxes and fees.

3.Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

4.The advertisement costs will be borne by the successful bidder.

5.The successful bidder must provide a certified company check worth 10% of the bid value, payable to Youth Vision Society as a guarantee work will successfully be accomplished and the check will return to the vendor afterwords.

6.Youth Vision Society reserves the right to cancel the tender without providing any justification.

7.Youth Vision Society is not obligated to award the tender to the lowest bidder, and the tender will not be divided.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Youth Vision Society– Gaza Strip

Gaza City, Al-Nasr area, west of the Italian Complex, opposite Fetouh Building.

Phone/Fax: 2857479

Mobile: 0595427843

Email: [email protected]

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 02, Jan
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