Research – Monograph on the Waqf in Jerusalem
PASSIA invites you to submit a proposal for a Research Monograph on the Waqf in Jerusalem.
Dear Sir/Madam,
As part of a larger project that aims at developing and supporting the Palestinian East Jerusalem community and civil society’s role in safeguarding their Islamic and Christian cultural heritage, which is an integral part of the city’s Palestinian identity, PASSIA is looking for a senior researcher to author a monograph on the Waqf in Jerusalem. This assignment is based on a contract and will be measured with working days and deliverables submitted. The resulting in-depth Palestinian study on the history, workings, structure, concerns and problems of the Islamic and Christian Waqf Endowments in Jerusalem will be published by PASSIA in the name of the author. It aims to make information on Palestinian religious and cultural heritage sites and monuments in Jerusalem available, increase the awareness and knowledge about these sites, and serve as an advocacy tool.
Please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute this Request for Proposal: