Research on policies to encourage investment in small & medi...
Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilience Economic Development in the occupied Palestinian territory
Terms of Reference
Research on policies to encourage investment in small and medium sized producers in Area C
Background & Introduction:
Oxfam is implementing a project with a focus on “Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilience Economic Development in the occupied Palestinian territory” supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The aim of the project is to contribute to resilient and equitable agricultural growth benefiting small-scale women and men producers in the oPt, while increasing their resilience and income through improved production and market systems in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
During the inception phase of the SIDA project, research on investment opportunities and market mapping in Area C was carried out, pointing out major constraints affecting the Agriculture Sector in Area C. These include restriction in access to water, limited access to electricity, and limitations stemming from the planning and zoning regime implemented by the Israeli Civil Administration restricting Palestinian use of the available agricultural land. Despite the obstacles, the report concluded that support to small-scale investment in Area C is crucial to the resilience of communities living there and to improve their living conditions.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has an important role to play in supporting those actions at the grassroots level by ensuring policies, laws and regulations that provide protection, enhance steadfastness, and offer opportunities for development in Area C. One assumption is that more collaboration between the PA and the private sector could help to review the current related laws and to develop a policy agenda that aims to confront the impediments to development and investments. However, additional analysis has been done on how the Palestinian Authority can enable policies and market regulations that are more inclusive and encourage investments to better promote the interests of small-scale producers.
Oxfam will use the research to engage with relevant government bodies, farmer representative organizations and key private sector actors in order to advocate for the implementation of necessary schemes and incentives to stimulate private and public investment in Area C of the West Bank. This falls within Oxfam’s belief that stimulating investment in Area C is an important step toward building the resilience of affected and marginalized communities, including by challenging the discriminatory ICA permit and planning regime with much needed infrastructure.
The research outputs will be used to inform all relevant international stakeholders, public and private sectors about the importance of investment in Area C, despite the challenges in the context of ongoing Israeli occupation. In this context, they will also focus on the PA’s responsibility to support Palestinian small-scale producers as well encourage public and private sector to cooperate for increased investment in market system infrastructure. In this way, the research outcomes can be used to map existing efforts and to facilitate further efforts to promote investment in Area C and dialogue between the public and private sectors in order to review existing legal frameworks and create a plan to prioritize areas for investment and Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
- Desk Review
In order to obtain a holistic view on existing literature on this matter, the consultant will firstly carry out an in-depth desk review in which
- Mapping of existing policies and regulations that provide incentives, as well as investment schemes including of donors, local governments, public private partnerships and other institutions
- to review and analyse impediments of investment in Area C, including different actors and policies being developed;
- The existing policies by the PA are explored in this regard, including un-official policies, practices and negotiated deals, taking into account the National Strategic Framework for Development Policies and Interventions in Area C as part of the Palestinian National Development plan.
- Case studies
As a second step, the consultant will review existing efforts and schemes that incentivised investment in Area C through several case studies with focus on at least the following areas:
- Jordan Valley are; Al Buqe’a area / Tubas governorate;
- Seam zone areas / Tulkarem and Qalqilia governorates;
- Hebron Hills.
- Bethlehem Governorate and Jerusalem periphery
Locations should be chosed in consiulation with Programme team afer deask review.
Relevant research should:
- Gauge attitudes of actors involved in current investment projects and schemes in area C. Based on current projects, what are types of investment schemes and support that would enable current opportunities to move forward, as well as a mapping of barriers to success?
- Are there any form of PA support and incentives in place to face these challenges and encourage investment? If not, what kinds of measures are in place that provide that support? More specifically, can we identify ventures and businesses that may be exempt from property tax, income tax, value added tax, municipal fees, crafts and industry license, risk sharing, political insurance, etc.? What has been the impact of these measures on small and medium scale producers? Has this support been beneficial/ detrimental for Palestinian small-scale producers? How and why? what has PIPA done. What has other ministries offered. Any incentives provided by chambers of commerce, donors, others. This should also show what worked, what did not work, and how to improve on these efforts, espeially quick wins that we can galvanise on.
- Important also to reflect hereunder questions to check with private sector what hinders their investments in Area C. Are they interested and see a business opportunity? What hinders it? What guarantees or incentives could encourage them to undergo these investments. Also worth to check with investors/investment funds as to their attitudes around this (PIF, Siraj, Sadara, others)
These questions will be answered through different research tools, techniques such as (focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, qualitative data collection and analyses.
- officials from the Ministry of National Economy, Ministry of Local Governance, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Planning and Administrative Development;
- private sector stakeholders (for instance, Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency, Palestine Investment fund, Chambers of Commerce, Palestine Investment Bank and other relevant actors);
- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and agribusiness; and
- micro-finance institutions and other key stakeholders.
- Donor community especially those who worked in the field
Finally, three focus group discussions with key stakeholders of investment in area C in three geographical locations, North, South and Middle of West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, the Northern part of West Bank Tulkarem and Qalqilia (communities of Seam Zone areas) and Southern West abnk, including Bethlehem and Hebron Hills will be organised.
A research report will be issued, together with referenced statistics presented in tables, charts, photos and graphs. The final product will review for the capabilities, capacities, resources and willingness of both the Palestinian private and public sectors, to assess the potential for implementing PPP projects and focus on the roles and responsibilities of the Palestinian Authorities while identifying the gaps in their support to small scale investors in area C. It will also include recommendations and solutions addressing different stakeholders and what their role should be.
The consultant needs to priortize recommendations for initiatives that can offer such incentive packages that faciliate investments in Area C.
The researcher to set a reasonable and applicable timeframe that would take into consideration a high and comprehensive quality collection of data that would reflect the purpose of the research. During this, the following activities need to be taken into consideration:
The commissioning manager of the research will be the West Bank Programme Policy Officer. The consultant will submit a research plan including detailed methodology and draft questionnaire prior to starting data collection. The Policy Officer will provide necessary technical support for the development of the methodology and tools and review the draft report. The consultant will submit the draft report to the policy officer and after receiving comments on the draft will submit the final report as per the agreed time plan.
- A team of consultants or a consultant with very good knowledge in relevant area or proven experience at this level;
- Graduate degree (MA) in economics, business administration or related field;
- Seven to ten years of work experience in economic, agricultural economics, business administration, and business development and other related fields with a particular knowledge of differing financial, investment and regulatory schemes;
- An understanding of the political and public and private financial context of the OPT;
- Excellent, analytical and research skills;
- Proven previous experience in undertaking complex research and presenting findings in a comprehensive and scientific manner;
- Ability to speak and write fluently in English.
Financial Proposal
Please submit the proposal (technical & financial offer) and requested documents by email (as mentioned above) before 20th of June 2018 COB, addressing to: Anas Abdeen: [email protected] quoting the reference code in the subject line of your email.
- Prices are valid for 60 days
-The submitted offers should be in US dollar excluding VAT. The tendered should be able to issue invoice if not they can submit Payment request in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر) or will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to Palestinian Taxation department & laws.
- Prices include all types of expenses such as transportations, per -diem ,calls , meals ets...