RFP For A Management Information System
Subject: Request For Proposals (RFP) For A Management Information System
“**Please note the deadline for proposals has been updated from 31 August to 7 September at 5pm BST**”
The West Bank and Gaza Youth Employment Development Impact Bond (DIB) is seeking proposals for the development of a management information system. The DIB is an innovative outcomes-based financing project that will aim to support around 1,500 unemployed Palestinian young people aged 18-29 into training opportunities and/or employment. It will be funded by a group of local and international investors, with the World Bank acting as the outcomes funder. We are seeking providers able to develop a user-friendly, flexible and cost-effective data system which will be used to track participants’ progress through training and employment.
The Request for Proposals can be found on the Finance for Jobs website at: [www.f4j.ps/Resources/129.html]. The deadline for proposals is 5pm BST on 7 September. Please submit proposals and direct any questions to Cheriel Neo at [email protected].
Please check the below link to find the responses to the FAQs that have been received from bidders on the RFP.