Salary Scale survey, Structure and Methodology

Tender Description

Terms of Reference

Salary Scale survey, Structure and Methodology for Terre des hommes Foundation 

Terre des hommes (Tdh) Multi Country Delegation - Palestine and Jordan is seeking to contract a consulting firm / expert to conduct a salary scale survey, define its structure and methodology for Tdh offices in Palestine and Jordan

  • Organization and Context background information

Created in 1960, the Foundation of Terre des hommes Lausanne (Tdh) mission is to defend and promote the rights of children, in humanitarian as well as development contexts. Today, Terre des hommes Foundation is the largest non-governmental organization (NGO) for children’s aid in Switzerland. Tdh implements projects and programs in more than 40 countries, including Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt in MENA. 

Tdh works in Palestine since 1973 and in Jordan since 2007, in close collaboration with recognized local partners and in partnership with several international donors. Since the end of 2019 both delegations have been gathered under one common entity; a Multi-Country Delegation (MCD) with the main coordination office located in Amman (Jordan).

Tdh in Palestine manages a total annual budget of 1 million USD for of 2020 with projects funded by several donors such as: UNOCHA, UNICEF and Tdh own funds.

The main office is located in Jerusalem with one field office in Gaza. The delegation comprises a total of 10 employees and some volunteers.  

Tdh in Jordan manages a total annual budget of 2.4 million USD in 2020 with projects funded by several donors such as: BMZ, ECHO, UNOCHA, MEPI, AECID, SDC and Tdh own funds. The delegation comprises a total of 40 employees (including 4 expatriates) and 10 volunteers.  

  • Objective and deliverables of the services

The objective of the service requested is to conduct an independent salary scale survey for local staff for the purpose of updating the current salary scale, structure and methodology for Tdh Jordan and Palestine (Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem) in line with the prevailing local market rates for each location, similar work, standard of living, government regulations such as income tax and social / national insurance and others.

An experienced consultant / consulting firm will be hired by Tdh MCD to work with the Country Representative and Head of HR and Finance to review the existing Tdh job grading and salary structure for Jordan and Palestine. 

More specifically the consultant/consulting firm is expected to do the following: 

  1. Conduct an Inception Report to include the following: 
    1. General description of the external factors such as local employment laws, taxes, etc per country; 
    2. Get acquainted with Tdh MCD organigram, Job Descriptions and internal HR and Rewarding policies; 
    3. Revised workplan in collaboration with Tdh Representative and Head of HR & Finance. 
  2. Undertake a salary market survey in Jordan and Palestine to determine the competitive position of Tdh compared to the market average through a systematic process and methodology, including the following: 
    1. Design the methodology and tools for the market survey and discuss, validate with Tdh representative;
    2. In collaboration with the key Tdh staff, define the “benchmarking jobs” for which to conduct the survey, based an analysis of the job description and the organigram; 
    3. In collaboration with key Tdh staff determine the list of similar organizations per location, for which the benchmarking will be conducted (around 5 iNGOs per country);
    4. Conduct the market survey based on the list of comparators agreed with Tdh in each country; 
    5.  Analyze the market salary survey results and provide a report to Tdh with recommendations for revised salary scales for Tdh country offices in Jordan and Palestine to ensure alignment with the market. 
  3.  Based on the results of the market survey and on the agreement of the proposed changes with Tdh Representative, revise the system and structure of the salary scales of Jordan and Palestine to reflect the following: 
    1.  A unified system of salary grades and levels and corresponding salaries, reflecting the organigram of the Multi Country Delegation and harmonized functions for both countries that minimizes discrepancies between job posts in both countries. The system should include a classification of existing positions into job categories (the delegations should have separate salary scales - one scale per country - which reflect local labour market trends). 
    2.  Revise the structure of the existing salary scales to include the same number of grades and levels, following the categorization of job functions;
    3. Revise the minimum and maximum range for the positions, the gross values for each level based on the local market and in the local currency of each country, that will be aligned with the market, as per the market survey results; 
    4. Revise the salary rate increases per each level compared to the market rate increases, for those positions that need to be aligned with the market. 
  1. Prepare presentation and/or communication of documentation for all staff on the salary survey and job grading results. 
  2. Prepare a summary report that can be shared with the comparators who participated in the salary survey 
  • Key deliverables

The following deliverables are expected throughout the duration of the contract for Jordan and Palestine: 

  1. Inception report within the first week from signing the contract; 
  2. Salary scale Market Analysis for Jordan and Palestine and its annexes; 
  3. Revised system and methodology of compensation of staff within the Multi Country Delegation of Jordan and Palestine based on the criteria mentioned in section II of this TOR;  
  4. Revised salary scales for Jordan and Palestine country offices; 
  5. A presentation for communication with the staff on the revised system of employee compensation; 
  6. A summary report to be shared with the comparators in each country. 
  • Modalities and Timeline 

The services are expected to be carried out within a period of 3 Months, starting from 1st of July 2020 until 30 of September 2020 with a total number of 25 working days. 

A preferred timeframe and number of days is attached to this TOR (see Annex I attached). 

  • Budget

Total available budget for the bid is maximum 10,000 USD. 

  • Requirements 

The eligible expert / consulting firm should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Must be licensed and readily able to travel and/ or work remotely with the Tdh team in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza and Jordan
  • Minimum of Bachelors Degree in fields related to human resource management, statistics and related fields.
  • High level of expertise and proven track record of experience in the area of compensation and benefit analysis, preferably for international non-for profit and non-governmental organizations.
  • Experts in the national employment, compensation legislations and labour market issues in both countries; 
  • Ability to render consulting services in the most professional, effective and efficient manner;
  • Confirmation of availability to carry out the work during the indicated period in this TOR and the schedule in the Annex 1;
  • The selected individual / firm shall not be required to be present at Tdh offices and may work in its own office with coordinated visits as needed to Tdh offices and/ or comparators in the course of undertaking the assignment.
  • Fluent in English and Arabic, excellent writing and presentation skills (all required reports shall be written in English).

Application procedure

The Proposal shall be presented in the following manner:

  • Personal Curriculum Vitae highlighting the qualifications that meet the minimum

requirements stated in the above section – requirements; 

  • At least three (3) references preferably from international non-governmental organizations in both countries;
  • Explaining why he/she is the most suitable contractor for the work and the ability to conduct the analysis in both countries Jordan and Palestine 
  • A brief methodology on how he/she will approach and conduct the work (1-2 pages)
  • The Financial Proposal containing the final and all-inclusive (professional fees, all

envisaged travel costs as needed, living allowances, insurance, etc.) total price offer for the full range of services required, broken down into all major cost components associated with the services.

  • The total price shall be in a fixed lump-sum amount, and milestone payments corresponding to key deliverables shall be indicated in the proposal.

All documents shall be submitted electronically by June 30, 2020 to the following email address: [email protected]

  • Ethical considerations

The consultant/consulting agency must sign the Terre des hommes Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and be willing to adhere to its principles and expected practices. If a breach of the policy or code of conduct takes place the consultancy will be terminated immediately without any financial burden on Tdh.

  • Disclaimer on copyright, data protection

All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant(s) formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of Tdh. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by Tdh and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to Tdh upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of Tdh. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of Tdh.

How to Apply 

All documents mentioned above in section VI. Application procedure shall be submitted electronically by June 30, 2020 to the following email address:  [email protected]
Annex I 

MCD Jordan and Palestine – Salary Scale Revision Expert

Key Milestones for Consultant & Tentative Timeframe of Activities

Location Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Ramallah
Deadline 30, Jun, 2020
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