Sector review of the sheep & goat small ruminants

Tender Description
Terms of Reference 
Sector review of the sheep & goat small ruminants/ dairy value chain of AMENCA 3 Programme


The Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Phase 3 (AMENCA 3)is a five-year AUD40 million program funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)which commenced in April 2016 in the Palestinian Territories, and which builds on the groundwork, relationships, and achievements of two predecessor programs (AMENCA 1 and AMENCA 2), beginning in 2005. AMENCA 3 sits alongside other Australian investments in the Palestinian Territories and the wider region, most notably basic services to refugees. 
The AMENCA 3 program has been implemented in the Palestinian Territories to increase agricultural outputs and strengthen agricultural value chains, and thereby enhance economic opportunities especially for women and youth. AMENCA 3 uses a hybrid approach which integrates community development with Market Systems Development (MSD) to facilitate agricultural development across the Palestinian Territories.
The goal of AMENCA 3 is for Palestinian farmers to connect with markets. Its three outcomes are: 

Women and men are more market ready; 

Women and men engage more sustainably and profitably in value chains; and 

Women and youth are more economically empowered. 

The program works with international NGOs (INGOs) and their Palestinian networks to identify barriers to participation in the agriculture sector, to design activities that can address these constraints, and to facilitate relationships that bring market actors together. 
AMENCA 3 is being implemented by three NGOs (CARE, Oxfam and Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA).
The three NGOs each formed a consortium with relevant local organisations, which together include many of the major Palestinian NGOs operating in the agriculture sector. The implementation of AMENCA 3 has been undertaken by these three consortia. 
AMENCA 3 projects 
Each of the three partner consortia implementing AMENCA 3 manage/lead a separate project to contribute to the achievement of the AMENCA’s objective: 

Souqona being implemented by the CARE consortium. 

Takamol being implemented by the Oxfam consortium. 

Ghalleh being implemented by the APHEDA consortium.


The purpose of this assignment is to improve coordination between NGOs where they were working in the same sectors.  Also, to get the NGOs talking, and thinking jointly about, how and where their interventions overlap and where actions could be taken to maximize potential synergies. It is crucial that the NGOs staff to engage in this exercise in order to come up with clear "recommendations for improvements” with sufficient time remaining in the programme. 
Since the start of the AMENCA 3 program, Oxfam and CARE have been working to support small ruminants/dairy sector in the West Bank to overcome some of the challenges and constraints they face. Over the past five years both organizations have implemented activities to help farmers to overcome these challenges and constraints. Accordingly, Oxfam and CARE developed this TOR to contract a consultant/ consultancy firm to conduct a sectoral review of the small ruminants/dairy business model/ value chain. This review should address the following:

The extent to which the activities implemented by the two organizations have addressed the pre-identified constraints on the small ruminants/dairy value chain, 

How progressed the interventions are in terms of executing the strategy and realizing the vision in each area.

Areas for further collaboration between CARE and Oxfam that could help secure the vision and sustainable outcomes in each area.

The review should engage stakeholders working in the small ruminants/dairy sub-sector, beneficiary and non-beneficiary farmers, private sector, and government.

Responsibilities/ Tasks

In order to achieve the objectives of this assignment, the selected consultant/ consultancy firm should employ a mix of creative and innovative tools to review the interventions implemented by both organization in the small ruminants/dairy sector, business models, impact,....etc. The key tasks to be implemented under this assignment are listed below:

Literature review: prior to commencement of the assignment, literature review of the vegetables’ interventions carried out by both organizations and meetings should be conducted with the Consortia members, Advisors and the Donor.

Provide a work plan to be approved by the consortia indicating the tools and approach to be used.

Provide updated statistics about the targeted private sector actors pre-and post the interventions.

List and provide a brief description about other donors’ interventions/projects in this sector, including mapping out stakeholders and whether any part of the chain has been worked by farmers themselves, informal groups, CBOs/ cooperatives/ social enterprises/ (SMEs), or even large private sector.

Review and document the interventions and business models that were implemented by Oxfam and CARE through AMENCA 3 that include but are not limited to:

Description of the concept of the business model.

Tools and techniques that were used.

Improved inputs/techniques/capacity building that were used and a summary of their results on improving quality and quantities.

Engagement of private sector actors.

In cooperation with the ANGOs identify areas of overlap and actions that need to be taken.

Dynamics of the introduced business models and comparison BEFORE and AFTER. Did the interventions make a difference? 

• How have the interventions made a difference? 

• Will the intervention work elsewhere i.e. replicable and scalable? 

To identify actions to maximise synergies between the organization.

 Sustainability of the business models and the relation between the PS and farmers in addition to scalability of the models.

Develop an exit strategy for this sector in corporation with the Oxfam and CARE representatives. 

Lessons learned including gender and social inclusion aspects and recommendations for improvements and for any future interventions/projects.

Presentation of the findings in a workshop including all the relevant stakeholders.

Beneficiaries under AMENCA 3 and geographic areas 

The beneficiaries of the AMENCA 3 Programme include farmers, women, youth, and people with disability distributed in all the West Bank. The Program also has strategic partners and stakeholders including government, semi-governmental organizations, private sector organizations and firms. 


As a result of this assignment, the service provider is required to provide the following:

Work plan with detailed approach, including the timeframe explaining implementation of the required tasks.

Comprehensive report covering all the above mentioned tasks. The report to be structured in two main chapters, the first chapter on the review exercise including highlights on impact, documentation of learning and recommendations around scope, partnerships, implementation approach, key objectives and outcomes, etc… The second chapter to focus on the direction for the new phase design including key areas of intended change and outcomes – based on the Market System Development approach. It should include also infographics highlighting the major achievements.

Detailed references used, and names of interviewed/participated people.


The assignment will be carried out over two calendar months, starting from February -March 2021.

Reporting Relationship

The assignment will be overseen by Oxfam. The contractor will report to Oxfam on all aspects related to this Consultancy. 

Qualifications of the consultant/consulting firm

It is preferable to have a team of at least 3 experts to include: 

Team leader with good experience in designing, managing or evaluating market systems development programmes 

Business Development/Programme expert with a proven track record in sector and interventions review

Gender/ WEE expert.

Professional experience conducting sectoral, clusters, value chains reviews and analysis.

Advanced and demonstrated data collection skills both qualitative and quantitative data. 

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

Excellent reporting skills in Arabic and English.

Past experience in working with international NGOs and Donors’ development programmes.

Knowledge about social inclusion and gender aspects.

Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines.

Financial Proposal 
- Prices are valid for 120 days. 
-The submitted offers should be in USD excluding VAT (project is VAT Exemption). The tendered should be able to issue invoice if not they can submit Payment request in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر) or will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to Palestinian Taxation department & laws

Application Process

Interested consultants/firms should provide the following:

Company/Individual profile including past experience, similar assignments and similar products.

 CV/s of proposed staff and their responsibilities, in addition to three references. 

Technical proposal explaining the approach and clear activities.

Please send all the above via e-mail to: [email protected] no later than Feb 2nd  2021

Payment and contracting method

  1. 20% of total value of consultancy will be paid upon the signing of agreement and the submission of the inception report. 
  2. 40% of total value of consultancy will be paid upon the submission of first draft report. 
       3- 40% of final payment will be paid after the acceptance of final report. 
Location Ramallah
Deadline 02, Feb, 2021
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