Summer Activities (teaching and learning of Arabic and Math...
Tender Description
Country of Destination: Ramallah, Palestine
Reference Number: RAM/2021/ED/WA/197
Description: Summer Activities (teaching and learning of Arabic and Math using fun activities for grades from 1-4)
Deadline for Submission of Sealed Tenders: 18 August 2022 at 4.30 PM Palestine time.
Posting Date: 19 July2022
[Budget/Amount]: [USD 166,732 inclusive of provisional items]
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:
In response to the COVID-19 crises schools in Palestine moved to distance learning programmes and platforms to limit the disruption to the educational process and the spread of the virus. This however, revealed vulnerability gap especially for students living in marginalized areas, mainly East Jerusalem, Area C who were not able to follow distance learning due to lack of equipment.
In this regard, UNESCO Ramallah Office (Palestine), in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, is planning to conduct 50 summer activities in West Bank in order to compensate the learning loss in two main subjects, mainly Arabic and Math for grades from 1-4. The intervention is aimed to raise the level of students’ achievements through entertainment (using sports, storytelling, arts, games/play, drama, dance and music).
The summer activities will also serve as a source to collect raw data on learning loss related to cognitive and transversal/life skills. They will also provide an opportunity to adjust the learning loss data collection tools to collect quality data that will inform relevant policy design and development. Data collected during the summer camp will enrich the long-term overall assessment on learning loss to be comprehensive and inclusive.
The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the OIC must request for a complete set of Solicitation Documents, available free of charge, from UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
Your electronic offer comprising of technical proposal and financial proposal, in two separate e-files, should be submitted by email and reach the following address [email protected] or by hand in two separate Sealed Envelopes clearly labelled technical proposal and financial proposal to:
UNESCO Ramallah Office
Located in Abraj House building-12th floor, Tokyo Road-Ein Munjid, Ramallah
no later than 18 August 2022 at 4.30 PM Palestine time, without any copy to any other e-mail addresses and with the subject as: RFP ED Ref: RAM/2021/ED/WA/197
Electronic offers should be submitted by email and reach the following address [email protected], e-offers addressed to any other e-mail accounts will be disqualified. Please note that all files exceeding 10MB must be sent in batches clearly marked as “Batch 1 and Batch 2, etc. to the same Ref: RAM/2021/ED/WA/197
The sealed tenders must be delivered to the UNESCO Ramallah Office, Tokyo Street, 15 Abraj Building, Flr. 12 Ein Munjed, Ramallah, Palestine on or before 18 August 2022 at 4.30 PM Palestine time, in strict compliance with the instructions as stipulated in the Solicitation Documents.
UNESCO reserves the right to amend the documents at any time during the solicitation process. Any amendments or clarifications will be communicated directly to all Bidders who have requested for a complete set of solicitation documents and officially confirmed their intention to submit a sealed tender. No remuneration will be made to companies for preparation and submission of their tenders.
UNESCO Contact Information:
UNESCO Ramallah Office - Palestine
Culture Unit
Attn: Sonia Ezam, Senior Programme Officer
Email: [email protected]
Fax: [include the country and city code]
Attached: Tender Docs.
18, Aug, 2022
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