Tender Description


Service Provision (Individuals or companies)

TOT Training Plan

MdM Spain in the Gaza Strip:

Over than 2 million Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated territories in the world.  Nearly 14 years of blockade and recurrent outbreaks of hostilities have eroded basic infrastructure, service delivery, livelihoods and coping mechanisms. The permanent scarcity of electricity (8 hours of electricity followed by 12 hours of cut), the shortages of drugs and disposables in the health facilities, the difficulties of entering medical equipment and materials as well as the lack of trained staff that cannot exit the Strip have an impact on the Gaza health system.

Since 2006, MdM Spain has been implementing various actions with local partners in the Gaza Strip. In a territory beset by chronic crises, political instability, and a declining economic and social situation since the second intifada in 2000, MdM Spain aims to reinforce the access to quality medical, mental health and psychosocial emergency responses; to make structural improvements to affected population’s lives.

MdM Spain is partnering with Ministry of Health (MoH) and Ministry of education and higher education (MoEHE), besides other national organizations.

Supervision activity aims at guiding, monitoring and coaching workers to promote compliance with standards of practice and assure the delivery of quality care services. The supervisory process permits supervisors and supervisees the opportunity to work as a team to meet common goals and objectives. It is about ‘empowerment and not control, emphasizing building confidence and self-esteem through supportive feedback’. It is facilitated through an encouraging and respectful relationship with professionals. It sets expectations, monitors and assesses performance, identifies problems and opportunities in which the supervisor remains an intermediary promoting collaboration in problem solving and linking to external resources.

Activities objectives

  • Boost the Gaza MHPSS team with knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively support teachers, counselors and other beneficiaries with an aim of improving quality of service delivery at school, hospital, or community level.
  • Support MHPSS team to provide technical supervision sessions on MHPSS training and mental health case management for professional health and education teams.
  • Enhance skills of the MHPSS team members to provide technical supervision sessions with the MHPSS professional teams in child protection and gender mainstreaming.
  • Support in supervising the quality of services and the application of international standards, including privacy & confidentiality protocols, aiming at sustainable changes, through and attitudes towards supervision topic.
  • Help MHPSS team to train and supervise professionals on supervision skills, as well as to improve skills in MHPSS.

If you have  related experience and interested please Click Here to check the TOR document. 

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 25, Apr, 2023
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