Tender Description

Tender Announcement

Bid No: CARE-WB-FY22-SA0001: Supply and delivery of Medical Supplies

CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is an international, non-profit, organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis.

CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is an international, non-profit, organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis. 

With funding from Muslim Aid USA, CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza (WBG) is implementing an Emergency Intervention. Under this intervention, CARE Palestine West Bank /Gaza (WBG) seeks to address grave shortages in medical equipment and supplies that health providers in East Jerusalem face, which prevent them from providing life-saving support to community members at risk, as a result of the ongoing hostilities and from continuing to respond to COVID-19 virus. 

CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is seeking Companies specialized in Medical supplies and Medical Equipment. 

Interested Companies that have the relevant experience and expertise can download the tender documents from the link below and send a complete quotation by email to: 

[email protected]

Download Full ToR


Please add the following title to the email subject;   

“Bid No: CARE-WB-FY21-SA0001: Supply and delivery of Medical Supplies”

Please quote your price in USD excluding VAT by July, 21st 2021

For inquiries, please contact CARE Office- Ramallah: Tel. 02-2954949, 022954948, Extension 210        

Location Ramallah
Deadline 21, Jul, 2021
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