ToR for Program Baseline assessment

Tender Description

ToR for Program Baseline assessment

June  2021

Program Title: “Masarouna” Our Pathway 

Donor: This program is funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs  

Location: West Bank and Gaza Strip

Duration: 5 years (1st of January 2021- 31st of December 2025)

General Background

Oxfam is an international confederation, Oxfam has been working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) since the 1950s, where a country office was established in Jerusalem in the 1980s. Oxfam mainly works in the most vulnerable communities, such as Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Area C, of the West Bank where the Israeli Government maintains full military and civil control. 

Oxfam is looking for a consultant to conduct a baseline study for the “Masarouna, Our Pathway Program”.

Purpose and Scope of the Consultancy 

Oxfam seeks to hire a consultant to work with Masarouna Program Team to conduct a comprehensive baseline assessment in OPT.  

The main purpose of the baseline assessment study is to determine quantitatively and qualitatively the current situation in relation to the main elements of the program TOC including baseline information and contextual background covering: 

 Youth’s realities, role and technical and influencing capacities in claiming and exercising SRHR.

Social norms; the baseline aims at assessing the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of youth, actors and community members on SRHR.

Capacities and role of civil society organizations in working with YP in advocating for safe, adequate and inclusive SRHR.

Situational analysis of  civic space in relation to SRHR in OPT. 

For those who are interested, kindly download the TOR

Please submit the EoI (technical and financial offer) and requested documents by email before 21st of June 2021, CoB to  [email protected]  quoting the reference code in the subject line of your email.

Location Gaza Strip, Ramallah
Deadline 21, Jun, 2021
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