Trainers in the Pre-Incubation Training of the Hike-UP Proje...

Tender Description


Terms of Reference (ToR) 

Name of Institution:Palestine Technopark  in corporation with Palestine Heritage Trail Foundation

Title of Required Service:Trainers in the Pre-Incubation Training of the Hike-UP Project.

Instructions to Offerors:    

These instructions contain general guidelines and instructions on the preparation, clarification, and submission of Proposals.

1. General:The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite electronic Bids for professional services to be provided to the PTP.

2. Eligible Suppliers: This Terms of Reference (TOR) is open to qualified individuals who are capable of delivering the required services. Applicants should select the training batch that aligns with their professional expertise, and may apply for multiple training modules if relevant to their experience.

3. Contents of Solicitation Documents: Applicants must ensure that their proposals address the full scope of the training modules they are applying for. Individuals are required to thoroughly review all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications outlined in the Solicitation Documents. Any failure to comply with these requirements may negatively impact the evaluation of their proposal and will be the applicant's responsibility.

4. Preparation of the Proposals: The proposals submitted must provide sufficient scope and detail to enable the Palestine Technopark  to assess whether the applicants possess the necessary capability, experience, expertise, and required capacity to perform the services satisfactorily.

5. Proposal Form: Applicants must submit the following requirements:

A CV that clearly reflects their experience relevant to the training module they are applying for.

Evidence of previous similar training conducted in the same module.

If your CV is selected, you will be required to provide both a technical proposal presentation for the specific training module and a financial proposal presentation, the Proposals shall remain valid for ninety (90) days after the date of Proposal submission, pursuant to the deadline clause. A Proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected on the grounds that it is non-responsive.

 Introduction to the Hike-UP Project: 

What is the Hike-UP Project?

Hike-UP is an 18-month-long program designed to cultivate 20 innovative businesses along the northern segment of the Palestinian Heritage Trail. Each selected project will receive $5000 to help bring their vision to fruition. These creative ventures will not only enrich the experience of trail visitors but also enhance tourism services in the targeted regions.

Entrepreneurs participating in the program will benefit from a comprehensive array of business support services, along with access to dedicated workspaces and labs at the Palestine Technopark (PTP). The program's objective is to furnish aspiring entrepreneurs with the requisite entrepreneurial knowledge, tools, and resources to translate ideas into successful enterprises.

Project name:

Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Livelihood for Fragile Communities along the Palestinian Heritage Trail (PH Trail) in the West Bank. The purpose is to set forth the terms and conditions for the award of a subgrant (incubators/accelerators) by PHT to finance the implementation of the following activities: provide incubation services that will benefit 20  start-ups/businesses in the south of the west bank. The project is Financed by the government of Japan  through the JSDF of the World Bank. 

Project Objectives:

The incubation program aims to establish a holistic, sustainable, and innovative environment and approach for young individuals or groups to innovate, test, and scale up ideas pertaining to tourism and eco-tourism. Its overarching goal is to create tangible opportunities for the successful establishment of innovative enterprises.

Target Audiences:

The program is geared towards youth aged 18-29 across the northern regions of the West Bank who exhibit a strong inclination towards active citizenship and entrepreneurship.

Target Areas:

The program aims to engage communities situated along the trail in the northern regions of the West Bank, primarily encompassing Jenin, Nablus, Jerusalem, and Ramallah. These areas comprise a diverse array of communities and villages often underserved in terms of development and support.

Consultancy Service Details: 
Objective of the Consultancy Service:

The purpose of this consultancy is to deliver comprehensive training modules as part of the Pre-Incubation Training Phase of the Hike-UP Project. This involves a multifaceted approach aimed at equipping participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to successfully develop their startup ideas into viable and sustainable businesses. 

Training Modules and Detailed Topics: 

Below is a comprehensive list of the training modules and detailed topics that are part of the Pre-Incubation Training Phase of the Hike-UP Project. Trainers applying for this consultancy are expected to choose the topics they can provide training in, supported by evidence of their education and work experience.

Note: Trainers applying for this Terms of Reference (ToR) should select the topics they are able to provide training in, supported by evidence of their education and work experience.

If you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE  to check the tender document

Location Ramallah
Deadline 08, Oct, 2024
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