Trainers in 21st-centruy Skills
Trainers in 21st-centruy Skills
Tender No: G.CD.ENAA.040.2022
MA’AN Hub is currently implementing a project entitled “Improving Resilience and Job Opportunities for Youth”, which aims to enhance young Palestinians’ access to a supportive learning environment that promotes youth employment, entrepreneurship, and green innovations. The project also aims to equip vulnerable young females and males with employability and resilience skills by applying inclusive, gender-sensitive, and environmentally friendly strategies. This activity is part of Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) project, implemented by the Ministry of Labor and the Belgian development agency – Enabel, funded by the Government of Belgium.
The project is looking for competent and qualified trainers to provide training sessions to different groups of young people on 21st century skills and the importance of these skills for work and life. The selected trainers will first receive a ToT (Training of Trainers), with a total of 40 hours, on a developed training curriculum covering different tracks including soft skills, career readiness, entrepreneurship, and design thinking. The trainers will then lead and implement training sessions for youth based on assigned curriculum in 21st-century skills.
The capacity building program for youth will be implemented throughout two consecutive cycles. Each cycle will target 204 youth and will cover different modules as follows:
General introduction on 21st century skills (40 training hours)
Resilience module (30 training hours)
Employment module (30 training hours)
Green economy principles and skills (10 training hours)
Notes and Conditions
The Offer is valid for individual consultants.
Supplier /service provider must provide Valid deduction at Source certificate.
The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
Interested consultant individuals not firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip from STARTING FROM 17TH February 2022 – 24th February 2022 and submit offer in sealed envelopes by 15th Mar 2022 (before 12:00 pm) at MA’AN Development Center office in Gaza, Palestine (Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square,Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor Next to Blood Bank Building, Tel.: 08-2823712)