Training farmers on the use of treated wastewater for agricu...
Agricultural Development Association (PARC)
REF: [41/2018]
The Agricultural Development Association (PARC) announces a sealed envelope tender for the project Re-Use of Treated Wastewater for Agricultural Irrigation in Southern Gaza Strip funded by European Commission
Work location: The Southern Area –Mawasi Rafah
The RFQ will be awarded according to the conditions and standards illustrated in the tender documents. Therefore, interested service providers should take into consideration the criteria below.
About the Association
The Agricultural Development Association (PARC) is a leading Palestinian Agricultural Development Organization that was established in 1983. Since its establishment, PARC has been efficiently engaged in Palestinian land development, water resources & environment, poverty reduction and women empowerment, olive oil marketing, as well as other crucial rural development programs
In accordance with its mandate, PARC is currently implementing a project titled “Re-Use of Treated Wastewater for Agricultural Irrigation in Southern Gaza Strip ", implemented by Oxfam in Partnership with PARC and PEF and funded by European Commission.
Price offer: Training Farmers on The Use of Treated Wastewater for Agricultural Irrigation
PARC is seeking a highly qualified consultancy firm to conduct training sessions for the aforementioned topic
Main task of the assignment:
Farmers Training Objectives:
To ensure that farmers can use the treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation safely and feasibly for their agricultural production through providing the targeted farmers capacity with adequate knowledge and skills to safe using of treated waste water in agriculture purposes through receiving training on the waste water management, potential health and environmental risks of TWW and its mitigation measures, safe methods of TWW reuse, including practices during irrigation, fertilization, harvesting and post-harvest.
Scope of work
Conduct capacity assessment for the beneficiaries in order to assess and monitor the farmers capacity in the following areas:
Use of suitable irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation system.
Selection of appropriate crops, which are less likely to transmit contaminants and pathogens to consumers.
Use of protective measures such as boots and gloves to control exposure of farm workers to pathogens.
Benefits and safety of using treated wastewater for irrigation.
Post-harvest management/measures.
Understanding of water borne diseases and effective prevention management.
Gender equality in agriculture.
Protection mainstreaming including child labor law.
Women rights in decision making on water management (in particular financial management), and in economic empowerment
Other related areas.
The Applicants must comply with the standards and requirements set out in the price offer.
The submitted offer is binding by a period of three months starting from the date of the offer, therefore it cannot be withdrawn before the expiration of the binding period.
Applicant documents delivered by hand.
Late applications will not be accepted
The Applicant envelop must be sealed and stamped.
Applicant must stamp all bid papers.
Firm Registration certificate (Commercial Record Extractor / Corporate Monitor).
Firm profile showing the company’s capabilities.
An organizational (human resources) chart (must include board members and financial managers)
A copy of national ID of board members and financial manager.
PARC shall not be bound to accept the lowest price or any Applicant’s proposal and reserves the power to accept any part of any Applicant proposal.
Delays: PARC will deduct €50 for each day of delay in completion of the work after completion period for not more 20% of the value of the contract.
In case of any scrap or deletion in the offer without the signature and sealed behind the edited item is entitled to PARC cancelling this offer.
The cost of advertisement in newspaper and electronic site is on the awardee.
Technical Proposal Requirements:
Profile of the consultant with proven experience of facilitating similar training sessions.
Recent CV highlighting relevant experience.
Detailed methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines and man days.
A cover letter to PARC demonstrating the applicant’s desire and experience carrying out similar assignments.
The evaluation will be divided to 70% for the technical proposal and 30% for the financial proposal. Regarding the technical proposal, the scoring will be based on the following:
20% for the CV, including the trainers’ knowledge in water and wastewater treatment and reuse and the trainers proven training experience and certificates.
30% for the methodology and conceptual framework, including the proposed training materials and the tools used for the capacity assessment.
20% for the timeline and action plan breakdown.
Financial Offers:
The submitted offers should be in EURO (excluding VAT. The offer should be able to issue zero VAT invoices in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).
Financial offer should be in separate envelop.
Provide PARC with a price analysis including the following:
Capacity assessment fees
Training fees
Venue rent and hospitality costs; refreshments for one coffee breaks and a lunch meal.
Interested applicants will have the opportunity to have a copy of these Terms of References on Sunday, August 12th, 2018 to Thursday, August 16th, 2018 from the address specified below. Moreover, A pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 14th, 2018. Interested applicants should attend the pre-bid meeting at PARC’s office at 12:00 pm
The proposal MUST be submitted no later than (12:00 PM), Sunday, August 19th, 2018 to the following address:
PARC’s headquarter – Gaza – Al Zaytoon Quarter, Salah Eddin St.
Telephone: +970 8 2805040
Fax: +970 8 2805039
For any inquiries related to the above Terms of reference, please contact:
Eng. Mohammed M. Aljamal
Email: [email protected]
Agricultural Project Coordinator
Agricultural Development Association (PARC)
Gaza – Palestine
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