Training Services Bid
Ahli Arab Hospital is located in Gaza City was built in 1882. Since 1982 the hospital is owned and administered by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the management of Ahli is accountable to the Diocese and its Board. AAH is legally registered institution in the State of Palestine. Ahli services are provided to all patients regardless of their religion, gender, social class or political affiliation. AAH provides Inpatients, Outpatients and runs community Health Projects.
Through Women’s Health and Well-being Program at Ahli Arab Hospital aims to early detect breast cancer among marginalized women. One of the project outcome is to build a strong network, centred on CBOs, collaborates to strengthen public awareness, support health seeking behaviours, and support community-based responses to breast cancer. The output under this outcome states ”capacity building program for CBOs is established”.
Recently, AAH conducted a training needs assessment for the 22 CBOs whom are partnering with AAH. The final main results of the training needs assessment indicated the need for training on the following topics:
Proposal writing
Strategic planning
Inclusion for PWD
Resource mobilization/fund raising
Networking with international institutions
Monitoring, follow up and evaluation
Based on the above project summary and needs assessment results, the project invites training consultant(s) as an individuals or training firms to apply for this bid in order to plan and carryout face to face training for 22 CBOs individuals in Arabic. A consultant can apply to train one or more topic of the above listed topics.
AAH shall provide the training venue, refreshments, overhead projector, flip charts, pins and other need items.
Following the awarding of the training the consultant(s) shall provide the
Professional detailed training plan outlines the training strategies, detailed professional curriculum including hours of training for each topic, activities, deliverables, success matrix and indicators that will be used to track the training successes, evaluation tools for the training and ..etc. To be finalized by the consultants(s) through discussion with the project staff. This is due to be delivered with the application for bidding 15th of May.
A professional detailed final training report outlines all details of the raining including learned lessons (English language).
Timetable of Awarding and Submission Deliverables
Proposed date of advertising is 5th of May 2022. Deadline for submission of the bidding is awarding day is Sunday, 16th of May 2022. Awarding date is 18th of May. Date for submission for all deliverables is mid of June 2022.
Qualifications of the Consultancy Firm/Individual
5+ years professional similar work experience in developing training plans conduct similar trainings topics.
Fluency and professional level of English is required.
Documents Comprising the Offer:
The Bid must comprise the following documents: (a) consultants’ CV who will work on the training activities (b) a tentative professional detailed training plan outlines the training strategies/approaches, detailed professional curriculum including hours of training for each topic, activities, deliverables, success matrix and indicators that will be used to track the training successes, evaluation tools for the training and ..etc. (c) detailed Price for each task suggested by the approach. Prices are only for the training plan development, conduction and evaluation of training and final training report (e) detailed implementation schedule plan (f) Documents of similar work done in the past. The successful bidder will also be required to sign AAH’s General Code of Conduct and abide by the Child Protection and other policies.
Sealing and Marking of Bids:
The Bidder shall seal the technical offer in one sealed envelope while the financial offer in separate sealed envelope, duly marking the envelopes as “Technical Offer” and “Financial Offer”. Both envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall: (a) be addressed to the Procurement department, Ahli Arab Hospital AOA Project. The inner and outer envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”.
Deadline for Submission of Bids/Late Bids:
Bids must be delivered to the Ahli Arab Hospital Administration Building office in hand on later than Monday, 16th of May 2022 at 10:00 am. Any Bid received by AAH after the Deadline for Submission of Bids will be rejected.
AAH is not obliged to take the lowest price offered.
Only bid winner(s) will be contacted.
Payment: AAH shall, on fulfillment of the Delivery Terms, make payment within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. The Supplier shall submit one invoice in respect of this consultancy.
Gaza Strip
16, May, 2022