Training on the design and development of Mobile Application...
Request for Offers
Terms of Reference for a consultancy firm/consultant to conduct training on the design and development of Mobile Applications
Offer Reference: RAM/2018/ED /SE/
Offers received between (dates): 6 July – 15 July 2018
Offers received between (Hours): 08:00 - 16:00
Proposed validity of price offers: One time offer
Expected scope of work: End of August 2018
Due to the rapid changes in labour markets, but also the skills that are increasingly required for many jobs, the importance of digital skills and 21st century Skills (21CS) in young people are widely recognized and very important in the context of Palestine. The unemployment rate in Palestine of persons aged 15 years and above in 2015 is 25,9% (22,5%males and 39,2% females). Compared to the Gaza Strip only the unemployment rate is even higher reaching 44% (59.6% females, 35.9% males). ICTs are therefore a valuable tool for students who are vulnerable to (digital) exclusion and for them to access their right to quality education, lifelong learning opportunities and further employment opportunities.
The international community has decided to measure the percentage of youth and adults who have achieved at least a minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy skills as one of the indicators of progress towards SDG4. Especially SDG 4.4 emphasizes to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant sills, including TVET skills, for self-employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship by 2030.
In Palestine, the access to appropriate ICTs in education is hindered by physical barriers (lack of accessibility), cognitive barriers (especially for students with learning difficulties), didactical barriers (inflexible teaching methods and where teachers lack the skills to facilitate inclusive education using ICT tools) and financial barriers.
However, digital skills need to be complemented with transversal soft skills. Mobile technology and entrepreneurial skills can train students on critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration, which will vastly improve the access to adequate living standards for youth, as well as their decent living and access to quality education. It has the potential of giving young women and men the opportunity to no longer being just consumers of technology but creators. By equipping especially girls and women with the idea that they can make a difference using their mobile phone, this will contribute to closing the gender gap for women in technology and business. 21CS will therefore prepare students to integrate in the global context and enhance future opportunities.
UNESCO supports young Palestinians to become powerful agents of change through giving them the tools to acquire innovative digital and entrepreneurial skills for jobs in a digital economy and therefore increase their access to the changing labor market.
Objectives of the consultancy
The consultancy aims at conducting training of selected number of teachers in both West Bank and Gaza to empower them with the needed tools required for innovative digital and entrepreneurial skills for jobs in a digital economy to be able to train students in order to facilitate their access to the labor market through the mobile application technology. Therefore, the consultant shall:
- Provide training for 24 teachers in West Bank and 7 in Gaza on the mostly updated and wide spread mobile application (Android and Web Application)., minimum of 60-70 hours per training.
- Include the cost of providing lunch, two coffee breaks and transportations for the teachers from the different directorates in the West Bank and Gaza.
- Provide training material for the trainees including needed stationery.
- At the end of the training, the trainees should be able to transfer their knowledge to selected number of school students from grades 8-12 to develop and design mobile applications with high quality using Android and Web Applications.
- Have mobility in both West Bank and Gaza.
Minimum qualification:
- At least Bachelor degree in computer science or any related field.
- At least 4 years of experience on mobile apps development
- Excellent English and Arabic languages skills
Time frame:
The following timeframe is proposed for the consultancy:
15 July – 30 August 2018.
-Transportation of the consultant and travel expenses required for conducting the training are inclusive in the total budget.
All original offers are to be dated, stamped and signed on each page, enclosed in a sealed envelope and delivered BY HAND or scanned to pdf and sent by email with the heading:
Empowering youth in 21st Century Palestine with innovative digital and entrepreneurial skills for jobs in a digital economy
The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah
35 Al – Ahliya College Street Ramallah, Palestine
Received, by the deadline date and time, subject to the following:
- Send formal offer proposal on company letterhead, dated, signed and stamped with clearly indicated unit costs excluding VAT (UNESCO is VAT exempted).
- Indicate the validity period of the price offer (12 months validity preferred).
- Each proposal must be attached to a copy of this offer (which must also have the stamp and signature of the supplier on each page as acknowledgement of the terms of offer).
- All offers must include the following certification –
“All the goods/services to be provided under the terms of this offer are available and the
company/individual holds a bank account in the same name as indicated on the letterhead or
- Full company/individual profile or curriculum vitae detailing the previous experience, references or links and services offered (max two pages).
- The contractor guarantees that the prices specifies in this offer are the maximum prices that shall
remain firm and shall not be increased during the entire term of the validity period.
- Please indicate the offer title in the email subject:
Empowering youth in 21st Century Palestine with innovative digital and entrepreneurial skills for jobs in a digital economy