Training workshop for journalists on environmental awareness...
EcoPalestine is the Palestinian affiliate of EcoPeace Middle East, a unique, regional, environmental peacebuilding NGO that brings together Palestinians, Israelis, and Jordanians to work collaboratively to advance sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions for lasting peace in the region. EcoPeace combines top-down policy change with bottom-up community-based constituency building; encouraging youth and local constituencies to call for and lead cross-border solutions to regional water issues that facilitate the advancement of community interests, and showing decision makers that it is not possible to disengage decision-makers environment while highlighting the national self-interests and mutual gain of cooperation.
support creating awareness about regional water and climate crisis realities and the need for the solutions proposed in the Green Blue Deal
Deliver a training course to build the capacity of 15 young Palestinian journalists to cover environmental issues and prepare specialized press reports on common environmental problems, in addition, to raise journalistic awareness of environmental risks in order to limit their effect.
Journalists training on environmental investigative media, which include preparing hypothesis for environmental investigation and building thoughts.
Solution journalism and its relationship to investigative reporting, and introduce steps for creating solution stories, their realism, and applicability.
Mobile journalism which includes training in mobile photography and videography.
In coordination with the Content development and Communication Manager at EcoPeace (Ramallah office), The media company/center will:
Produce a training manual on environmental journalism that contains training materials and readings for the three-days course.
Conduct three-day training course for 15 journalists.
Train 15 young journalists on researching, conceptualizing, developing, and broadcasting environmental stories. This includes methods and techniques of storytelling, and how to simplify specialized scientific topics and treat them in the press and social media, in addition to the difference between a television and written environmental stories.
Training includes the use of video editing machines and training on mobile video editing applications.
15 environmental press stories are conceptualized, produced, and broadcasted.
The production plan will be developed as follows:
EcoPelestine organizes two field visits to selected locations where participants learn about environmental threats. Later, participants work on their own stories film and produce them, under direct supervision of a media expert.
EcoPalestine and the media firm along with selected external experts evaluate participants, select the best two stories and publish them on national and local media stations and platforms.
Broadcasting two television episodes, with participation of environmental experts and decision makers, in order to create a community discussion on an environmental issue raised by the story and publish a press release (on news agencies and social media platforms), in order to create public opinion.
Media Firms should contact procurement officer at [email protected] So as to receive RFP
EcoPalestine will respond to any questions received by Saturday, August 27th, 2022, and may, at its sole discretion, respond to requests received later than that date. The question(s) and response(s) will be sent to all vendors who have received the RFP documents. EcoPalestine may extend the closing date to ensure consultants have adequate time to consider answers and reply accordingly. Requests for clarifications should be sent to Sandra Abu Mohor, Procurement Officer at [email protected]
TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL PROPOSALS for this consultancy service are to be submitted by hand no later than Thursday, September 1st, 2022, by 16:00 PM to the following address: Ramallah, Al-Beireh Louis Building, floor 6 near Al Quds bank