UNESCO Call of Interest for the ECW Palestine MYRP
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO’s Programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Agenda 2030 adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
UNESCO is seeking proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Palestine MYRP (Multi Year Resilience Program) “Access to Inclusive Quality and Safe Education Opportunities for Conflict-affected Children and Youth in the West Bank and Gaza”, which has been approved for funding from ECW, the first global fund to prioritize education in humanitarian action (http://www.educationcannotwait.org/). UNICEF was appointed as the grantee for this program and UNESCO as one of the Grantees, while management and decision-making over grant funds and programme direction will be undertaken by an ECW independent Program Management Unit (PMU) under the guidance of a Program Steering Committee (SC). Funds will be administered from UNESCO to partners using UNESCO’s financial systems, and applicable rules and regulations, including those relating to procurement as well as the selection and assessment of Implementing Partners.
Proposals should demonstrate the implementing partner capacity and the program’s plan to contribute to activities of the overall proposal. Detailed reporting on project activities, including disaggregation by school level, gender and age will be required, in-line with UNESCO’s rules and regulations. Proposals must demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness, with activities planned for a total of 9 months; starting on August 25th t2019, through May 31st 2020
This call for proposals focuses on the following outcome: Maximum amount for this output is $280,000
- Improved quality and relevance of education for girls and boys (6-17 years old) in a safe and protective environment
Eligible CSOs and NGO are invited to submit proposals to partner and support the achievement of the results for children, as outlined in the MYRP document. CSOs and NGOs that wish to participate in this Call for Expression of Interest are requested to download the document through the following link: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/ramallah/about-this-office/vacancies/ to receive the full proposal package. The email subject should be “Call for Expression of Interest for the ECW Palestine MYRP.” Completed proposals should be submitted in sealed envelope by hand to the following office address:
UNESCO Ramallah Office
35 Al-Ahliyah College Street
P.O.Box 2154, Ramallah
Deadline for submission: 15:00 local time, July 25th 2019
Applications must be submitted in English language.
CSOs and NGOs including Consortiums and Coalitions are also invited to apply.
Any requests for additional information should be addressed in writing by July 15th 2019 at the latest to [email protected] & [email protected] . UNESCO responses to any queries or clarification requests will be made available to all the applicants before the deadline for submission of applications.
Applications will be assessed by an evaluation committee to identify CSOs and NGOs, based on the criteria outlined in section 3 in the detailed Expression of Interest document.
Participation to this Call for Expression of Interest does not guarantee the CSO/NGO will be ultimately selected. CSOs/NGOs will be invited to review and finalize partnership agreements in accordance with criteria outlined in section 3.4 of the detailed Expression of Interest document and applicable policy and procedures on partnership with CSOs/NGOs
***Attachments: Call for Expression of Interest- ECW Palestine