Mission: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ADVERTISEMENT (Invitation to Bid)
Call for Bids
< PI-GZ-01909>
Action Against Hunger (AAH) is an international humanitarian organization founded in 1979 with the aim of combating hunger. AAH has been working in the occupied Palestinian territory since 2002 - currently with operational offices in Jerusalem, Gaza City, and Hebron. In Gaza, AAH - implements programs in the sectors of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH), Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL responses. Through its interventions, AAH aims to protect lives, promote capacities of Palestinian communities, and transform system to influence decision making.
The "Resilience and Economic Growth in Gaza Strip in the Agricultural Sector 2020-2023" project aims to Improve the livelihoods of youth and farmers in the Gaza Strip through enhancing their chances to access to market. Where the project is specifically aiming to consolidate the productive activities in Gaza by shifting towards a market approach and sustainable employment opportunities. Where the intervention will be executed in all governorates of the Gaza Strip. Through the project Theory of Change, the project is aiming at its first stages to assess the agriculture labour market needs through conducting labour market study. This study will be the basis for different activities that will be implemented based on the study recommendations
Action Against Hunger – Palestinian Territory (Gaza Strip) intends to award an external consultant to develop a value chain’s study to identify profitable business opportunity linked to the agriculture and livestock sectors. The study aims to analyze the dynamics of a Palm Value Chain to identify opportunities and constraints for upgrading. This analysis should review the full range of activities, services, and actors (suppliers, producers, processors, buyers, services providers, etc.) involved in all the activities needed to bring a product or service to the end market. The findings resulting from this analysis will provide the baseline for the design of the action plan or development strategies
* Gaza bidders: eligible consultants must have Bachelor or Master’s degree in economic analysis/ market analysis, economics, markets and agriculture, public policy or sociology with at least 10 years’ experience/expertise in the following areas: marketing or business-related assignments, humanitarian affairs and rural market development, have proven technical experience in consultancy and Market studies and CaLP Level 2, demonstrated experience in leading Value chain analysis and writing high quality reports, have a valid career license and to be able to provide a VAT invoice.
Documents can be obtained by interested parties via email from:
Mrs. Aya Abu Zaanouna
Logistics Officer
Phone: 0594799970
E-mail: [email protected]
The deadline for submission of offers is 7th of November 2021 at 12:00 PM (Gaza time)
Action Against Hunger does not bind itself to award the bid to the lowest bid or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid.
The winning service provider should pay the advertisement fees in the newspaper and on the website.