Tender Description

Request for offers

Offer Title: Video and Filming Services
Date: 11/September/2018

Offer Reference: RAM/2018/ED/WA/322
Offers received between (dates): 11-17 September 2018
Offers received between (Hours): 08:00 - 16:00
UNESCO Ramallah office is seeking a Video and filming Services with the below details of the requested Services:

The quotation must be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered by hand, or sent via email a PDF file no later than 17-Sept 2018 before 16:00. Please insert the offer title (Video and Filming Services) on the quotation as well as envelope Or email subject to:

The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah
35 Al-Ahliya college Street Ramallah, Palestine

To: [email protected]

The Offer should be in USD Dollars, with VAT and Percentage clearly shown.
Vat exemption will be processed by the Ministry of Finance for all registered companies
All offers must include the following certification-“All the services requested under the terms of this offer are available and the company holds a valid bank account in the same name as indicated on the quotation”.
Each quotation must include a stamped and signed copy of this offer as acknowledgement and agreement to the terms and conditions specified.


Attachments: Video and Filming Services

Location Ramallah
Deadline 17, Sep, 2018
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