Tender Description


Terms of Reference for video producer

Old City Bakeries: food tourism and heritage

Background / Introduction

The Jerusalem Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-profit organization governed by the special “law of JACCI.” Founded in 1936, Included in its membership are the various economic sectors (tourism, trade, hospitality, contracting, industrial), and since its foundation it has sought to provide its members with services to facilitate their business.

JACCI is considered the representative of the business sector in Jerusalem, providing information, services and training to its members, supporting and defending their interests, and helping them to open up new markets and develop their businesses.

JACCI seeks not only to provide services to its members, but also to strengthen the bonds of relationship and belonging between JACCI and its members, both commercial and industrial. Since its establishment, JACCI has increased substantially through designing and implementing a series of targeted interventions.

About COMCEC Project

Together with five local active organizations in Jerusalem, JACCI is implementing the “Old City Bakeries: food tourism and heritage” project funded by The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC). With the aim of upgrading 25 bakeries in the Old City of Jerusalem, JAACI plans to develop capacities of bakery owners and/or workers in packaging and online marketing, retain current workers and create job opportunities in the bakeries, design a touristic track for food and cultural tourism and promote and attract local and international visitors and tourists to the Old City of Jerusalem

Therefore, JACCI seeks to recruit a production company / video producer (filmmaker and photographer) to produce three short films (up to 2 min each) The films should shed the light on the goals of the project which includes but not limited to, promoting the food heritage and the old city bakeries in Jerusalem. It needs to reflect the culture and art behind baking Jerusalemite bread and the uniqueness of this tradition.

Specific tasks for the Video production company/Film Director

The company / video producer who will produce the film should follow the donor's procedures and regulations, and will be required to;

Develop overall concept and scenario in partnership with the project coordinator and JACCI team. For the production of one video (2-3 min) and three snaps (30-50 sec) videos.

Conduct field visits with the beneficiaries (10 bakeries).

Provide a detailed action plan for the assignment

Develop the script and storyboard to be used in the film ( JACCI will support and provide the producer the needed information history of bakeries.

Perform appropriate video filming with HD 1080 i50 format, high quality sound and shoot interviews with the success stories characters, major beneficiaries and stakeholders where ever needed.

Present a draft of the promotional material to JACCI for comments and feedback about contents.

Produce a final documentary translated video (2-3 minutes) and 3 snaps videos 30 -50 sec each.  store them on a flash memory.


Meeting with candidates of filming in East Jerusalem to collect and record data.

Submit a storyboard and script for the promotional video to JACCI for approval before filming.

Produce an edited video recording of the scenarios captured, and the footage of the recorded stories.

Present a complete three videos one (2-3 min) and three snaps 30-50 sec. and store them in a flash memory.

Translate and insert the translation for the main video in English.

Required Qualifications and Experience of the Video production company/ film director

The video production company/film director will be required to have:

Five and above years of experience working in a similar field.

Extensive experience in producing development work related promotional videos for international organizations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences.

Artistic background

Experience in working with international organizations.

Excellent technical capacities (state of art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high-quality production.

Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage.

Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to take 6 weeks from the date of signing the contract.

Intellectual Property

All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc) belonging to the client, which the Video production company/ film maker and photographer may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties under this video production company/ film maker and photographer shall remain the property of the beneficiary who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the beneficiary in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.

Contractual arrangements

The Video production company/ film maker and photographer will be contracted under JACCI for the purpose of delivering the above outputs, within the agreed time frame.

To apply:

Applicants must provide the company profile or CV for individuals applying

The Financial offer should be submitted in (Dollar), excluding VAT.

Submit films as a sample of the company previous work/ individual producer.

The offer should submit in Sealed envelope.

Dead line to apply is by the 10th of November 2021 at 13:30.

Contractual arrangements

The consultant will be contracted under JACCI for the purpose of delivering the above within the agreed timeframe.

For more information, please contact us at:

[email protected]

For more information, please contact us at:

025833050 / 055564165


Location Jerusalem
Deadline 10, Nov, 2021
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