Visibility and public media activities promoting and documen...
Visibility and public media activities promoting and documenting the project in two public media campaigns
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the occupied Palestinian territory, wishes to invite potential Media Companies to submit proposals for:
Development of visibility and advocacy plan;
Production and Broadcast of TV and Radio Spots;
Production of documentary Videos;
Other media campaign services.
As stated in the terms and conditions of the LRPS and the detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) (Annex B to the LRPS)
Media Companies with relevant experience interested in offering their services are kindly invited to visit UNICEF website to review the Request for Proposal LRPS-2018- 9145686 and the terms of reference (ToR) at:
And shall submit their complete technical and financial proposals, together with the company profile & CVs of professional staff, to the attention of the BID SECTION at: UNICEF Office , Beit Hanina, Jerusalem OR UNICEF Office , UNDP Building Gaza
By the closing date of 15 January 2019.