استدراج مقترحات: السياسة الحضرية الوطنية لدولة فلسطين Nation...

Tender Description

UN-Habitat is seeking to identify and enter into Agreement of Cooperation (AoC) with one or more non-profit, nongovernmental organisations, and academic institutions with relevant experience, technical abilities and resources to support in the formulation of a nation-wide urban policy. The implementing partners are encouraged to enter into partnerships with organization from the private sector that have the relevant experience. The main area of the AoC is to undertake consultations with main stakeholders and partners as part of the National Urban Policy (NUP) formulation process based on rapid diagnosis. The process should include a participatory and comprehensive methodology, and safeguarding codified rights which include housing, land and property rights. The work includes consultations across the geo-political divide in areas A, B, C, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and includes consultations with the most vulnerable groups, especially Bedouin and herder communities.

Organisations must deliver technical and financial submissions separately in electronic format addressed for the attention of UN-Habitat (in two separate documents clearly titled) at: 

[email protected] by the deadline of 3 February 2021.

There will be a pre-bid meeting on Sunday, 7 February at 10.00 a.m. using the below link:


Meeting ID: 741 4033 9569
Passcode: NUP


Location Ramallah
Deadline 07, Feb, 2021
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